stairs >>
The Gateway Inn is staffed by a complete crew of NPCs and is currently looking to hire IC waitstaff, bartenders, security guards, cooks, maids, etc.  The average pay for gateway Inn employees is twenty five gold pieces per day plus food and lodging and employees that reside and dine elsewhere will recieve fifty gold pieces per day.  If you are interested in playing any of these positions or a position not listed here, please Email your character's application to [email protected].  Any characters hired as employees of the Inn will be listed here along with links to their character pages if applicable. Characters that are not listed here do not work at the Gateway Inn.
<------- ^ Employee Quarters ^
The first floor of the Gateway Inn is a large, spacious tavern/common room.  The long bar stands in front of the back wall and up against the right as you walk in through the front entrance.  Also placed against the right wall is a large fireplace.  A fire is kept burning here year round, not only to provide heat in the winter, but also to provide atmosphere for the patrons.  The common room is kept dimly lit by the torches hanging along the west and east walls, shrouding the low rafters in smokey shadows.  The Inn has been fitted with rudimentary electrical and plumbing systems.  The facilities may not be modern, but they are functional.

In the back, beyond the kitchen, are the employee quarters.  The side entrances to this area are kept locked at all times and employees are each given keys at the time of hire.  Additionally, for the security of our guests, the doorway leading to the stairwell is also kept locked at all times.  The key you are issued when you rent your room will open this door as well as the door to your room.  In the interest of security, lending that key to anyone that is not currently staying at the Inn is grounds for immediate removal from the premises without a refund.

In the interest of the safety of the guests, the previous owner had an enchantment placed upon the Inn itself.  This enchantment provides excellent protection from fire to the structure of the Inn and many of it's permanent contents, such as tables, chairs, beds, etc.  As long as the enchantment remains in place, those things affected by it will not catch fire.
Tankard of Ale ...................... 1               Single Room (night) ................... 30

Pitcher of Ale ........................ 5                Single Room
(week) ................. 125

Mug of Mead ......................... 2               Double Room
(night) ................. 50

Bottle of Wine
(common) ............ 8               Double Room (week) ............... 200

Bottle of Wine
(fine) ................25               Suite (night) ............................. 100

Meals ............................ 5 to 25               Suite
(week) ............................. 350

Trail Rations
(1 week) ............... 15              Maid Service ............................. 5

Healing Potion
(minor) ............ 100             Room Service ........................... 1

Healing Potion
(major) ............. 500            Hot Bath ................................... 3
Welcome travelers.  This is the Gateway Inn, a large, three story Inn located just north of the waterfalls in Eona Valley in the realm of Ayenee  The Owner/Innkeeper of the Gateway Inn is a young High Elf named Caelwyn Delaranduil.  It is located at the edge of Gateway Gardens, a set of beautiful gardens filled with foliage and flowers from all over Ayenee.  Interspersed throughout these gardens are numerous portals, each of which leads to and from a different place in the realm of Ayenee.  The exact number of portals is not known.  They seem to increase and decrease in number of their own accord.

The Gateway Gardens are a series of large, decorative gardens, connected by a spiderweb of pathways. The Gardens border the grounds of the Gateway Inn, giving it its name, and run alongside the edge of Nomin'Taure (The Forest of Wisdom).

At the opposite side of the Gardens from the forest; a small town, populated primarily by humans from various places around Ayenee, has come into being. This town doesn't really have a name, it is not a town in any official sense; it is more of a settlement . . . a gathering of people that have come through the portals and made the decision to remain in the Valley. That is what most of its inhabitants call it, infact . . . "Gathering".

In the Gateway Gardens themselves, just outside the Inn, is the
Minstrel's Grove.  The Minstrel's Grove seems to have more portals in and around it than any other section of the Gardens.  Due to this, the Grove has become a popular place for the denizens of Ayenee to visit and socialize.  The portals make it easy to visit for a short time without the need to stay at the Inn.
Caelwyn Delaranduil: Owner/Proprietor.
Yahoo! Character Profile
ezBoard Character Profile

Caitlyn Kalekor: Manager.
Yahoo! Character Profile

Dea Fauna: Head Bartender. 
Yahoo! Character Profile

Reese Sanders: Full-Time Bartender.
Yahoo Character Profile

SJ the Bartender: Part-Time Bartender.
Yahoo! Character Profile

Haidee Munroe: Serving Wench.
Yahoo! Character Profile
The Fine Print:

All types of RP are welcome.  The Gateway Inn is a medieval fantasy style setting, but "tech" and/or "modern" characters are encouraged to enjoy it's simple charms as well.  All
Styles of Freeform RP are welcome, whether it is one line per turn or paragraph RP.  Refusal to accept, or showing disrespect, of any other player's style is not welcome. All styles of RP rely on cooperation.  Those who won't cooperate will be ignored by the Inn and possibly removed/banned from the IRC rooms.

God-Moders are not welcome. Power Gaming will not be tolerated. Powerful characters may RP at the Inn so long as they are kept toned down and do not ruin the RP of others. Evil overlords not allowed. Unreasonable power characters will be ignored by the Inn and possibly removed/banned from the IRC rooms.

OOC must be kept to an absolute minimum.  OOC discussions should be held in PM.  If you are OOC too much, you will be asked to take it to PM.  If you do not, you will be ignored by the Inn and possibly removed/banned from the IRC rooms.

All IC battles must be agreed upon OOCly by all involved.  If anyone, at any time, does not wish to RP combat, they will not be required to do so.  If you wish to RP combat, find an opponent that also wants to...but please, take it outside. (ICly)

Major damage to the Inn itself must be cleared OOCly with Caelwyn.  All other major damage is assumed to be repaired before your next visit to the Inn.

If anyone, at any time, is doing something to ruin your RP, ignore them.  If it becomes a serious problem, post your concerns on the OOC thread at the Gateway Inn IC forum.  The Gateway Inn is for RP.  Have fun.
(Due to the great diversity of Ayenee and the lack of a "universal" monetary system; the prices are listed with only a number.  This number represents the number of your character's most common denominations of currency.  IE: A Tankard of Ale costs either 1 dollar, 1 gold piece, 1 credit, etc.)
(Original artwork by Ted Nasmith, see more of his work Here)
IC Message Board Forum
IC Message Board Forum
The Inn itself has a large tavern/common room on the first floor (shown below). The second floor contains several single and double rooms for rent and the third floor has large, three room luxury suites for the more discerning patrons.  In addition to food and lodging for the weary traveller, the Gateway Inn offers many other goods and services.  Those are detailed farther down on this page.

The Gateway Inn is a setting for role playing. We ask that players keep out of character discussions to a minimum and play with integrity and fairness.  The official rules for role playing in the Gateway Inn RP Setting are the guidelines for free form role playing described on the Info Page.  If you have any questions about how free form RP is supposed to be played, feel free to ask them on the Message Board Community (registration is free) and they will be answered as promptly and completely as possible.

Any questions and/or comments to the webmaster of this page and the Gateway Inn chat room can be Emailed to
[email protected].  Thank you and have fun!
RP Setting Rooms List
The Gateway Inn RP Setting was created by An Ethereal Presence with invaluable help and input from Anna and Daelan.
Their help has been much appreciated.  :-)
Gateway Inn Setting IRC Rooms List
Out of Stock --->
Out of Stock --->
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