Disclaimer: I do NOT know nor have I ever met any member of *NSYNC.

They are their own person and, well, I don't particularly want to know them.

Shoots down all those preconceived notions, you know. Anyway, I mean no offense to

 any person mentioned in my stories. I hold the deepest respect for who they are

 and what they do. So in other words: read, have fun, make merry, and

remember that these stories are FICTION and, therefore, NOT real.




John Deere Green



“So all we do is let it sit there?” Justin Timberlake looked at Diane Bass quizzically indicating the cookies they’d just made.


Diane laughed at Justin’s perplexed expression. “Yes, sweetie, you just let them sit there and get hard. There’s not a whole lot to no bake cookies.”


A grin crossed Justin’s face as he propped a hip against the kitchen counter and eyed the bowl before him. Finally he sneaked a peek at Diane who was watching him with a knowing smile on her face. She shook her head and turned to place the cookie sheet on the table while Justin grabbed the spoon they had used to stir with. “I swear, honey, you’re just like Lance. Always going for the left over sweet stuff.”


Justin licked at the spoon and then grinned at Diane. “Yeah, well, you gotta love us.” He licked at the spoon one more time before turning a serious expression on Lance’s mother. He waved the spoon in the air pointing to the cookies. “Isn’t that kind of an anti-climactic ending? I mean, shouldn’t we have to do something else to them? It’s like there’s all this build up and you rush and then –“


“Justin!” The roaring of the deep bass voice nearly rattled the windows. The anger present in the voice could not be mistaken. Justin winced and Diane flinched. Lance wasn’t happy about something.


Diane turned wide eyes on Justin. What in the world had Justin done to warrant that response from her son? “Justin, what did you do to him?”


Justin was wearing a slightly chagrined expression and hunching his shoulders. “Well, er…” Before he could finish a very angry looking Lance Bass charged through the doorway.


“Justin, where are they?” Lance slowly stalked toward Justin who let out a shriek and darted behind Diane, using her as a shield.


“Momma B, you gotta protect me,” Justin whispered into her ear. A little louder he proclaimed, “He may ravage me this time.”


A small smirk crossed Lance’s face. Quickly it was gone and he was back to glaring at Justin. “Justin, stop hiding behind my mother and come fight like a man.”


“I’m not hiding. It’s called strategic positioning.” Justin quipped back as he kept hold of Diane’s shoulders. He smiled sweetly at Lance and tried not to get distracted by how sexy he looked in his faded jeans and sweatshirt. Justin’s eyes darkened and his hands tightened on Diane’s shoulders as his eyes drifted down Lance’s body. The slightly baggy clothes accentuated Lance’s lazy grace and the unmistakable bulge in his pants made Justin’s mouth go dry. The body before him was completely mesmerizing.


“My goodness, Lance.  I think you’re scaring poor Justin.” Diane said as she covered Justin’s hands on her shoulders. “What did he do that’s got you so riled up?”


Lance smiled to himself noting that Justin’s expression was definitely not one of fear. His eyes were fastened on Lance’s crotch, and Lance could feel himself hardening from the heat in his lover’s expression. For the benefit of his mother, though, he scowled and tried to act angry. “The apple of your eye over there stole my computer cords. I have no way to connect to the power source, my monitor cable is missing, and I think he stole my mouse, too. I’m figuratively dead in the water. I’m not gonna get any work done until he gives them back.”


“But, baby,” Justin said finally dragging his eyes away from Lance’s pants, “you promised that all we would do this week was move our stuff into this house and share a romantic Valentine’s Day with just the two of us. You said FreeLance and A Happy Place could survive without you for a week.” There was a pout in Justin’s voice and his expression mirrored his disappointment.


Lance sighed immediately contrite. He had promised he wouldn’t work this week. He and Justin didn’t get to have anywhere near as much together time as he would like and here he was trying to bring work into their vacation time. Stepping over to where Justin and his mother were standing he waited for his mother to move. When she stepped out of the way he wrapped his arms around Justin’s shoulders and nuzzled his ear whispering, “I know. I’m sorry, baby. Can you forgive me?”


Justin’s arms came up beneath Lance’s and hooked on his shoulders. He pulled back just enough to see Lance’s eyes. He gazed into the crystalline green orbs and lost himself in their depths. The warm mingle of his breath with Lance’s lulled him into a feeling of lassitude. A slow smile spread across his face as his eyes drooped closed. “Maybe.”


Lance smiled knowing he was forgiven. He allowed his eyes to fall shut as he leaned his head those few crucial centimeters forward. His lips settled against Justin’s with a soft sigh. Immediately his senses were flooded with the taste, texture, and essence of Justin. They rushed through his veins like a sweet, intoxicating drug. Giving himself up to the sensations rampaging through his body he pulled Justin closer. “Mmm…” a groan escaped him as his teeth, lips, and tongue dueled with Justin for dominance.


“Ahem!” The clearing of a throat barely fazed them. Lance, acknowledging the gesture, pulled away from Justin for a moment before letting his lips trail down to nuzzle his neck. “James Lance Bass! I am still here, and I am still your mother. There will be no groping or removal of clothes in front of me. Do you hear me, young man? If you’re planning something like that take it to another room.”


Lance smiled as he nuzzled against Justin’s neck. “Sure, Mom.”


Diane sighed loudly. “I mean it, Lance. No hanky panky in the kitchen while I’m here.”


Justin tugged on Lance’s shoulders and smiled. Finally he was able to pull Lance away from his neck. In those beautiful green eyes he could see his own passion mirrored. A low groan worked its way out of his throat. “Yeah, Lance, no hanky panky in the kitchen while your mom’s here.”


Lance watched the heat blaze in Justin’s eyes. After a moment he dropped his forehead to Justin’s shoulder. “Mom, I love you. Go home.” Lance could feel Justin begin to shake from suppressed laughter.


“Really, James, how rude!” Lance heard a slight giggle from his mother. “Now I’m going to have this mental picture of the two of you on the kitchen table.” Lance squeezed his eyes tightly shut.


“Mom!” By this time Justin was desperately clutching onto Lance trying not to fall over from laughing so hard.


“Don’t worry, honey. I’m going.” A dubious expression crossed Diane’s face as her eyes came to rest on the kitchen table. “I really will never be able to look at your kitchen the same again. There are some things a mother does not need to know.” Her expression turned into a smile as she stepped over to the entwined duo. “Dinner. My house. Seven o’clock. Don’t be late.” She patted Justin on the cheek and then walked out the door.


At the sound of the door clicking shut Justin lost it. He let go of Lance and plopped down into a chair. He folded his arms on the table and buried his head in them trying to smother his laughter.


“You would think this is funny.”


Justin laughed all the harder.  It wasn’t his mother they were making out in front of so he could laugh. Lance deserved the reaction his mother had given him. It’d teach him not to start something he couldn’t finish.


A hand came down on Justin’s neck and started to rub lazy circles. “Are you gonna stop laughing or am I gonna have to play by myself?”


Justin lifted his head and his laughter trickled to a stop at the passion he heard in Lance’s voice. The deep rumble set his never endings to tingling and his body began to prepare itself for what he knew was coming next. Standing quickly he answered Lance’s question by hungrily pressing his mouth to his lover’s.


Lance pushed Justin back against the table and ground their hips together furiously. He was drowning in the hunger he could feel emanating from Justin. Hands were everywhere. His hands. Justin’s hands. Touching. Caressing. Demanding. Lance wrapped his hands around Justin’s thighs and lifted.


Justin groaned as he was set on the table. Immediately Lance was pushing his knees apart. Justin widened his knees and wrapped his legs around Lance’s waist pulling him closer. Between panting breaths and hungry kisses both men managed to declare their love.


And Lance’s mother was right. They would never be able to look at the table the same again.






“But, Jamie!”


“No, Justine.”


“Baby, I –“


“No, Justine, we are not going.”


Jim Bass watched his son and, hopefully, future son-in-law make their way up the front walk. His eyebrow rose at the argument the two seemed to be having.


Justin slapped at Lance’s arm and pouted. “Bad, Jamie! You’re supposed to help me experience new things.


“We are not going and that’s final!”


Jim’s words halted them at the top of the steps. “Boys, is there something wrong?” Lance shook his head no while Justin shook his head yes. “Well, which is it? Yes…or no?”


“Yes, there – “


“No, dad,” Lance cut Justin off, “nothing’s wrong. Justin wants to go down to the local lover’s lane and make out after dinner,” Justin averted his eyes and blushed at Lance’s blunt announcement, “and I refuse to take him somewhere that a) a gay couple should not go and b) somewhere that we, specifically as a gay couple, should not go because someone is bound to recognize us and report it to the media. And most especially we’re not going on Valentine’s Eve.”


Jim sat back in his chair for a moment before addressing Justin. “He’s right, you know. This is the middle of Podunk, Mississippi. Most of the folks around here don’t accept alternative lifestyles and some of the more vocal ones wouldn’t hesitate to get violent if they found you two down on Lover’s Lane.”


Justin blew out a dejected breath and then wrapped his arms around Lance’s waist from behind. He rested his chin on his love’s shoulder. “I know. It’s just that I’ve never got to go to a lover’s lane before.” Justin closed his eyes and leaned his head against Lance’s. “I wanted to do something normal with my boyfriend.”


Lance felt his heart break at the longing in Justin’s voice. In moments like these he cursed the fact they were international celebrities and couldn’t do the simple things others took for granted. “Awe, baby, we’ll go. I promise. Just not tonight or tomorrow night, okay?”


Justin perked up considerably. He pulled Lance around to face him and looked hopefully into Lance’s eyes. “Really?”


Lance smiled and kissed Justin on the tip of the nose. “Really.”


“Have I told you how much I love you today?”


Justin started to pull Lance into a tender hug but Jim interrupted them before they could get to lovey in front of him. “Um…boys, one more thing. Jamie and Justine?”


Justin laughed and hugged Lance tightly. “When he gets stubborn I call him Jamie ‘cause I know it annoys him.”


Lance rolled his eyes but kept his arm firmly around Justin’s waist. “And I call him Justine because he can nag and whine like a woman.” Justin laughingly pinched at his side.


“I heard that, young man!” Diane’s voice drifted out the open door. “Not all women nag and whine so you better watch what you say!”


“Sorry, Mom!” Lance yelled back at her. He sheepishly looked around as his dad and boyfriend laughed at him.


“Busted!” Justin placed a small kiss on Lance’s cheek and then grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the door. “Come on. Let’s go see what’s for dinner. I’m starved!”


Lance allowed himself to be pulled toward the door. “I wonder why?” His thoughts drifted to their activities earlier in the day and a blush heated his cheeks. Come to think of it, he was mighty hungry, too.


Diane met them in the doorway. Her eyes sparkled as she took in Justin’s wide grin and Lance’s red cheeks. “So, boys, am I going to be able to eat on your table without having to block a certain image from my mind?”


Justin laughed as Lance’s blush deepened to a bright crimson. He wrapped his arms around Diane’s shoulders and winked at her as he guided her back into the kitchen. “Momma B, there are some things a mother is better off not knowing.”


She groaned good-naturedly and swatted Justin away. “That’s what I was afraid of.”






“You have got to be kidding me.” Jim laughed at the story Lance had just related to him. Dinner was over with and Justin and Diane were cleaning up. He took the opportunity to catch up on his son’s life. Evidently Lance and Justin had a lot of good times when they were out on the road. Jim leaned back and studied Lance. His son looked more relaxed and happier than he could ever remember him looking and it was all because of the curly haired boy currently in the kitchen with his wife.


“No, I’m serious. He really did it. Johnny was furious, and I was mortified but he had a good time.” Lance shook his head. “It really was hilarious.” Lance paused for a moment and leaned his head to the side listening. “What are they doing in there?”


Jim cocked his head and tried to hear what Lance was talking about. After a moment he could make out words. His expression turned thoughtful. “I think they’re singing. Joe Diffie if I’m not mistaken.”


Both men sat in silence and listened to the voices drifting out of the kitchen. “…farm kids…….in Dixie….met in high school…………the sixties……settled down…….acres... …….corn, kids and…….” Finally Justin’s voice differentiated itself from Diane’s as he strolled into he room where Lance and his father were talking. “…in the midnight hour…he climbed up on the water tower…and painted a ten foot heart…in John Deere green. On a hot summer night, he wrote Billy Bob loves Charlene…in letters three foot high. And the whole town said that he should’ve used red but it looked good to Charlene…in John Deere green.” Justin finished singing as he plopped down in Lance’s lap. Lance’s arms came up to hold him in place. Justin nuzzled his neck before saying, “That’s so romantic.” A sigh escaped him. “Why don’t you ever do something like that for me?”


Lance arched an eyebrow at him. “What? You want me to climb up on the water tower and write Lance heart Justin?”


Justin blushed and ducked his head against Lance’s neck. “You know what I mean.” Lance just kissed him on the cheek and laughed. Justin squirmed around on Lance’s lap until he was facing Jim with his back to Lance. “So, Jim, are you more romantically inclined than Lance? You ever done anything like that for Diane? Cause I’m wondering which one of you to blame for his romance deficiency.”


“Hey!” Lance poked Justin in the ribs. Justin merely ignored him and waited for Jim to answer.


Jim laughed. Justin was a riot, and he was glad Lance had found him. The two were so happy together it would be a sin to try and keep them apart. He noticed Justin waiting for his answer so he scratched his head and thought about the question. “Well, once, when Diane and I first got together, I spray painted her name on an overpass.”


“Great, dad, you never told me that.”


“You never asked, son.” Jim winked at Justin. “That right there is the ultimate expression of love.”


Justin turned to Lance. “Yeah, baby, listen to your dad. You need to spray paint my name on an overpass.”


Lance leaned back away from Justin and gave him a calculating look. “I thought you wanted me to paint your name on the water tower.”


Justin dropped a small kiss on Lance’s lips. “It’s your choice, babe. I just wanted to give you options.”


“Thanks! Either way I’ll be dangling precariously several feet above the ground.”


“Ah, you’re a big boy. You can handle it. I have faith.” Justin’s twinkling eyes fixed on Lance. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was. Never in a million years would he have thought he could be this happy. Every day he spent with Lance was another treasure bestowed upon him. Truly he couldn’t imagine anyone being richer in love than himself.


“Justin, is Diane gonna join us soon?”


“Huh? Oh, crap! I forgot.” Justin smacked his forehead. “She sent me in here to tell you she needs you in the kitchen.” Jim shook his head and went to see what his wife wanted.


Lance hugged Justin back to him and murmured in his ear. “Have you had a good time today?” He closed his eyes as Justin settled against him and sighed. No matter how many places he’d been when Justin was in his arms he was home.


“Yeah, I love your parents. They’re great.” For a moment Justin rested contentedly against Lance’s chest before he remembered what he wanted to tell him. “Oh, oh, baby, you will never believe what your dad is doing for your mom tomorrow. He told me right before dinner and I didn’t think I was gonna be able to contain myself. It’s so great!”


Lance smiled at Justin’s excitement. “What’s he gonna do?”


Justin glanced over his shoulder toward the doorway to make sure no one was around before he leaned next to Lance’s ear. His voice was barely a whisper. “He paid someone to mow ‘I love you, Diane’ in their field. He has a helicopter charted so that they can go up and look at it. Then he’s taking her down to the their favorite spot by the creek for a picnic.”


“Wow, that’ll be a hard one to top…but Mom’ll love it.” A smile crossed Lance’s face as he thought about his parents. When it came to Valentine’s Day they acted like kids on their first date. He hoped he and Justin would still do that in twenty years.


Justin yawned loudly and dropped his head on Lance’s shoulder. “I really wish we could publicly do that. I wanna tell the whole world and everyone in it that you’re mine and they can’t have you.”


Lance stroked Justin’s hair. “I wish we could to, darlin’.”


“Baby, can we go home now? I’m really sleepy all of a sudden.”


Lance brushed his fingers across Justin’s cheek. “Yeah, love, hold on a minute. I need to talk to dad and then we can leave.”






“Good morning, beautiful. You’re up awfully early,” Lance observed as Justin padded quietly up to him. He placed a light kiss on Justin’s lips but before he could pull away Justin wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer for a deeper kiss. Fireworks exploded in Lance’s brain and his body melted into Justin’s.


“Good morning to you, too.” Thoughts swirled inside Lance’s head. He was having a hard time forming a coherent thought. Finally his brain registered that Justin was no longer kissing him and he pried his eyes open to see Justin’s smiling face.


“God, I love you.” Lance breathed. That was the only words that would form in his muddled mind.


“I love you too, babe. Who was at the door?” Justin asked as he popped a piece of bacon in his mouth.


Reality came crashing back to Lance with a vengeance. He supposed now was as good a time as any to give Justin the first of his presents. “Ah…it was dad. He brought part of your Valentine’s Day gift over.”


Justin’s eyes lit up and he literally bounced in place. “Can I have it now? Please! Please! Please!”


Lance laughed. “Yeah, baby, it’s on the dining room table.”


Justin hurried out of the room with Lance dogging his heels. When he reached the table he was disappointed to see nothing but a newspaper laying on it. “I thought you said my gift was on the table.”


“It is.” Lance folded the paper in half and pointed to the cover story. “Read.”


Justin pouted but began to read the story out loud. “It truly is a Valentine’s gift right out of a country love song, or at least that’s what Jim Bass had to say about the new artwork decorating the town water tower located on the edge of his property. Bass, who reported the story to the newspaper early this morning, said he thought such a public display of love should be shared with everyone. Truly Jamie and Justine, whose names appear on the tower along with a ten-foot heart, must share an amazing love. Not many would risk life and limb to show how much they care…” Justin’s voice trailed off and he quickly unfolded the paper to see the picture he knew had to accompany the article. His eyes filled with tears as he traced the heart and the names Jamie and Justine with his fingertips. “Jamie loves Justine,” he softly whispered.


Lance wrapped his arms around Justin’s waist from behind and kissed the side of his neck. “I wanted to do it in John Deere green for you but it was kinda short notice and all I could get was blue.” Lance kissed his neck again. “Do you like it?”


Justin turned in Lance’s arms and hugged him fiercely. Tears spilled down his cheeks and he was afraid his heart would burst with love. Raw emotion was clearly evident in his voice. “It’s the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me. God, baby, I love you,” he breathed against Lance’s neck.


Justin pulled back from Lance and looked into his beautiful green eyes. He quickly wiped the tears from his face and reached into his pocket. “I hadn’t planned to give you your present this way but now seems like the perfect time.” Justin pulled a small box from his pocket. He dropped down to one knee and took hold of Lance’s left hand. He raised his eyes to meet Lance’s. “James Lance Bass, will you marry me?”


Tears of joy sprang to Lance’s eyes. Gently he tugged his hand out of Justin’s. He reached down into his own pocket and pulled out a box similar to the one Justin was holding. He, too, dropped to one knee in front of Justin. “Only if you’ll marry me, Justin Randall Timberlake.”


They collapsed into each other’s arms kissing, laughing, and hugging. Carefully Justin lifted Lance’s left hand and slid the simple gold band onto his ring finger. He leaned down and kissed the flesh that was now adorned with his mark. “Mine.”


Lance smiled and carefully repeated the process Justin had followed. After declaring Justin his he passionately kissed his new fiancé and wrapped him in his arms.


“I guess this means we’re stuck with each other forever.” Justin mumbled from the loving cocoon of Lance’s arm.


“Forever.” Lance agreed with a happy nod.


“Happy Valentine’s Day, Lance.”


“Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.”



~~~~~The End~~~~~







Level 13: Justin/Lance Index


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