The Monster's of Scar

Monster Name

Description HP MP STR END

Tiny White Croc's

Edible creatures found in forest swamps 5 0 0 0


Use for currency for blacksmiths.  Very strong creatures with extreme hungers.   Found only in the forest.


0 10 2
Bear Forest dwelling creatures that stand over ten feet tall.  They don't feel pain and the only way to kill them is jamming a large pointy object through their eyes. 50 0 10 7
Mutant Flees Extremely fast and powerful, these flees have mutated from the skin of Gryz into three hundred pound creatures.  Only travel in groups of five, you see one, expect more. 5 0 50 1
Hardshelled Cockroaches Virtually impossible to kill.  Discovered by Roin and he is now the one who was able to turn their shells to weapons with his blacksmith's help.  Must be flipped to their back to kill them. 1 0 10 50
Guardian Dragon The only one to see it is Gryz, and he got destroyed.  I don't suggest seeking out this creature, but if you do, make sure you are very strong. 9999 500 500 300
Guardian Skeleton Srooc found this beast when he fell through the sand in a vast desert.  He has claimed to be the guardian of Iron, I wonder what will happen if someone defeats him. 1000 100 50 25
Guardian Yawe No one has ever fought her, but no one wants to.  She is kind and gentle, and I guarentee if someone messes with her physicaly, Srooc is gonna kick their ass. ? ? ? ?
Celta Srooc found this creature in a cave during a raging storm.  He is small and looks like a dead man.  His face is completly black and wrinkled.  His magic nearly surpasses the Overseers, but isn't very strong.  He has taken a liking in torturing Srooc, he must be stopped. 5000 5000 5 5
Gryz Once a warrior of the Overseer.  He has recently dissapeared after a nasty battle against the Overseer with his best friend Joe Shorty.  No one has heard of his since, but I fear the worst. ??? ??? ??? ???
Guardian Lava Serpent This creature was killed recently.  No one knows what happened to it, but it's death has unlocked the primitive's knowledge of speach. 500 40 20 50
Norbelec They are ten feet tall. They're eyes are a glowing crimson and if you stare into them too long they can begin to hypnotize. They are ape-like and are built very strong and are covered in long white fur. They have canine like fangs protruding from their mouth. 100 0 25 5
Dubean They are a species of varying intelligence and size, ranging from around two feet to fifty feet. They are sort of a cross between a wolf and a primitive man, all standing on two feet like men, but with the facial features of a wolf.  They are more muscular than any living human and have abilities to reflect that. 100 to 500 50 10 to 50 10 to 20
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