Magic shop

Level 1 magic:

Name: Description:


MP use

Fire Set ablaze the ground beneath your opponents feet, damaging him signifigantly.(Can Miss if detected by opponent)

100 GP

10 MP
Ice Send a cold chill towards your opponent, damaging him signifigantly.(Can Miss)

100 GP

10 MP
Cure Use a holy power to raise your HP during a battle

100 GP

10 MP
Anti Removes the Status effect Poison

100 GP

10 MP
Scan Scan your opponents strengths and weaknesses, as well as his statistics.

100 GP

10 MP


Level 2 magic:

Name: Description:


MP use

Lit Summon the powers of the sky and strike your opponent with a small bolt of lightning (can miss)

270 GP

27 MP
Fire 2 A pillar of fire raises up from beneath your opponent and inflicts him with major damage.(Can Miss if detected by opponent)

300 GP

30 MP
Ice 2 An enourmous amount of ice shards rain down and strike your opponent inflictim him with major damage.(Can Miss if detected by opponent)

300 GP

30 MP
Poison Affects your opponent with the Poison status effect, it damages him with 10% of his full HP every attack he makes.  It Lasts until Anti is casted or until he dies, or the caster is killed.

270 GP

27 MP
Blind Puts a cloud of smoke around the eyes of your opponent.  Allows you to cast magic or attack him with 10% more damage.   Your opponent can't attack until he is attacked.  Can be used to run from battle.

300 GP

30 MP


Level 3 magic:


Name: Description:


MP use

Lit 2 A bolt of lightning strikes you and than transfers to your opponent.  Inflicting major damage on your opponent.(Can Miss if detected by Opponent)

400 GP

40 MP
Cure 2 Restore your HP to 50% of its Max Capacity

340 GP

34 MP
Shock Places an invisible electric force field around you, when your opponent attempts to attack, it causes huge damage to him and he become paralysed for 1 turn.(Only stays on for a limited time)

350 GP

35 MP
Slow Causes your opponent to move 50% slower than normaly.  Allowing the caster to attack more than he normaly could against him.  It Lasts until the caster knocks him down.

340 GP

34 MP
Haste Causes the caster to become faster than normal and can block attacks better and attack faster and efficiently.   Lasts until caster is hit by opponent.

350 GP

35 MP

Level 4 magic:


Name: Description:


MP use

Lit 3 Causes immence lighning based damage on the opponent.(Can miss, but highly unlikely)

520 GP

52 MP
Fire 3 Causes immence fire based damage on the opponent.(Can miss, but highly unlikely)

450 GP

45 MP
Ice 3 Causes immence ice based damage on the opponent.(Can miss, but highly unlikely)

450 GP

45 MP
Cure 3 Fully revitelizes the caster's HP(can only be used a battle)

440 GP

44 MP

Level 5 magic:

Name: Description:


MP use

Lit 4 N/A


500 MP
Fire 4 N/A


500 MP
Ice 4 N/A N/A 500 MP
Death N/A N/A 500 MP
Holy N/A N/A 500 MP
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