Divine Right Divine Right....this might seem strange to occur to me as for so long I have seen myself as a Divine Being, a multidimensional being, but still bound by the reality base I find myself in. Today I challenged belief systems that had been a setup from childhood, how I related to Love, we all have a definition of what we consider love to be, it will ,from my experience determine the way we process the reality we find ourselves in at any given moment, how others relate to us, and how we process that relating. When I came into this reality the choice of family became a challenge to say the least, we all have some part of our reality that feels like a setup, but we all agreed to come here, we have played with what the hell am I doing here, I'm not good enough, I have no value, I have no worth, any and all of the above, abandonment and the last and not the least separation, separation from the Source The script can go something like this: I am second best......I never come first with anyone........I give they take........I get the leftovers, the crumbs.........the more I give, try, feel, the more I get the crumbs.........its never enough......I am never enough........I am never good enough ......do enough ......and the list goes on. The interesting thing is that when you get into this stuff all that you are radiating out is the more you give the more crap you can get, whatever form it takes....... you start to question your intention of your giving, of who you are, the basis of self....... from my point of view, I have busted boogies, rescinded vows, all of it, but the thing that I did not want to consider, as a Multidimensional being was the pure fact that in the system I find myself in works from beliefs, and right now I find myself in a 3rd dimensional body on a planet called earth. People will not be able to help themselves when they come into your reality, they will just follow the pattern you keep in place. Then you realize that the intention has been loving, giving because that is who you are, being the best you that you can be. When what you feel does not match the reality you have reflected back to you, then what is it, you thought that you had dealt with the beliefs, you have been running around knowing and thinking that your this Multidimensional being, this Divine Being........where is this coming from. You have not challenged any of it, the beliefs or the patterns formed and it has formed a pattern...the way that it is for you in this reality, challenge “the way that it is”.......so now as someone once said “name it to claim it” so, even though I am in a 3rd. dimensional body on this planet , at this time, I still know that I am more than that, my knowing tells me that I am multidimensional, I am a divine being, an essence, in a physical body, I challenge the basis of all of my beliefs that say I am anything less than divine, we are all divine....always were, always will be, so this is just what I have decided to do, and it goes like this. I Demand by the Divine Right of my Divinity, the I am Presence in this present point of power of NOW, All that I am, to be present .....in whatever reality base my Essence finds itself in at any point of the Now, permission must be sort in the moment to grant or to revoke beings and patterns of reality that are not in alignment with who I say that I am. At that point It is Time, it is Time to Claim your Divinity as a Divine Right, Love does not have conditions, Love is the Essence of All that is.....that is all that is necessary, if love is present, everything else falls into place, everything imaginable as well as all that we can not even start to imagine, but we know. Demand your Divine Right ......Your own Divinity to be the Essence that is You....Have you claimed what is yours????? or do you just think you have. Who are you anyway Lita I Am That I Am