
no cussing, swearing, porn, or other inappropriate material or language.
be respectful to all other players and myself (Jenna).
what I say is law, got it? do not argue with me.
when you join, you automatically agree to all of these rules. violating a rule, depending on which one, will get you suspended or banned.
this is a realistic game, so please post realisticly. (you know what that means).
this game is for intermediate role-playing. I want some effort and thoguth into your posts, but they have to be in english. I can't read latin.
I want all members to know basic horse behavior, if you don't or want to know more behavior, please e-mail me. same for RPing skill.
this is an all-arabian game and I suggest using traditional arabic names. go here for a list of translations.

after joining, mares may go to either the oasis or the grove to be claimed.
mares decide the ranks within the herd or group
you are considered a mare at 3 and over, but you may not breed until you are 4.
mares will be submissive to stallions more often than not.
mares want to join a herd for protection. they do not want to live alone. so don't make mares like that, it makes me VERY MAD!

after joining, stallions may either go to the ridge, or claim a territory.
you must have a territory before claiming mares.
if you challenge for a territory and win, you get the loser's mares. yes, thats how it works in life.
you will be exliled from your birth herd at age 2, and must live at the ridge until you are 3. then you may find a territory.

breeding takes place within the territory.
a mare can be breed anywhere by almost any stallion, at the grove or the oasis. then usually the mare will follow that stallion, or else the foal will be killed by any other stallion that claims her.
force-breeding is allowed at risk of injury to the stallion. although, if a mare is in heat, she will usually breed willingly.
you may long breed.
I will decide the foal's stats. (gender, color, health...) If you need this decided, post on the OOC or request board if I haven't already gotten to you.

sneaking takes place on the theft board.
you may only steal one mare at a time and only 1 steal per 7 days.
the mare may not alert her stallion if she is being stolen. and she WILL go willingly. and the stallion will not refuse to let her go. this is a very serious offense and I will loose my temper.
see the theft board for further details.
post the word 'falcon' somewhere in your joining post.

challenging takes place within the territory.
challenging is not a bloody battle that overly dramatic people make it sound like. so keep it short and realistic. and you have to backdown eventually.
a max of three battle posts per challenge. then I will decide who wins based on these percentages: 70% realism, 25% descriptiveness, 5% RPing ability.
stallions may challenge for territories or mares. mares may challenge for higher ranks.
keep battles realistic. do you really expect two mares to nearly kill eachother over who is in charge? (ok, well, it could happen, but very rarely). same with stallions
OKAY, I think I got everything.
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