Planet Gazzypops! -
Gone to Ground e-Shrine
Planet Gazzypops! Index
The next big rock thing
In the beginning, there was a clever chap called Ian, who wrote songs. Then, in a weak moment, he asked his chum Steve to join him in his music quest on lead guitar and extensive pedal board. Then he asked his other chum Matt to join both him and Steve on bass. Matt left but kept coming back. And then came me on drums....
I've had too much to drink to do this now, but follow the link below and you'll find out more...

I will update this soon, I promise.
Gone to Ground Well, obviously there can only be one link, namely that to the band website itself. It's great, by the way, and includes photos, full mp3 downloads, and a mesasge board where you can be rude to bandmembers.
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