Legend of the Sand Dollar (Holy Ghost Shell)

Our fascination with the sand dollar, one of the most unusual specimens of marine life, will continue as long as the creature fills its niche in the saltwater environment. No discussion of the sand dollar would be complete without mentioning the religious symbolism that has been given to the keyhole urchin's skeleton. The markings on the shell symbolize the Birth, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ.

On the top side of the shell, an outline of the "Easter Lily" is clearly seen. At the center of the Lily a five pointed star representing the Star of Bethlehem appears. The five narrow openings are representative of the four nail holes and the spear wound made in the body of Christ during the Crucifixion.

Turning the shell over, you will easily recognize the outline of the Christmas Poinsettia and also the Bell. When broken, inside the shell are five "little birds" shaped objects that are the five jaws of the mouth which make up the crushing mechanism. They are also known as the "Doves of Peace". Some say they are the Angels that sang to the Shepherds the First Christmas Morning.


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