Sky Blue

~Music: GC's Sky Blue


Rounding the corner skillfully

That bright green bus

Out on a Sunday morning

Down through the narrow alleyways

Is it running on its own?


Hidden up there on Veranda Point

That snowy white dove

I wonder on and on~

How much the world he's really seen

Is it all going as planned?


So carefully am I ˇ¦ holding, in my mind

My memories that have gone all twisted inside

And so I'm sinking farther in the warp with you

That's spir'ling~/~

Oh now I'm swallowed up by the pleasantnessˇX



All my tears I wipe away

On the swing I start to sway

The space I escape through

Gazing at the Sky Blue~


Oh you had to bear the pain

Your toy saber was to blame

That's all in the past

Don't worry getting all hurt again

Tomorrow~, we ˇ¦ will ride on the wind

As we feel~ fitˇX


On looking back, I wonder if we had the pow'r

To make up dreams that could be foolishly ours

Though incomplete, we would have no more holding in

Tomorrow~/~, I know

We'd be caught up by the pleasantnessˇX


No kidding~



To kill time is meaningful

Use your strength, and pass it on

To the fullest, we must try

So we can break through~


It's annoying, it's ok

After the kind words you say

Do not hide the sorry stories

Even all hated things

Yes, all these~


All my tears I wipe away

On the swing I start to sway

The space I escape through

Gazing at the Sky Blue~


Let's go on and chase at it

The future that's meaningless

We will go and with our colors

We can paint it so bright

Those fond memories, I'll keep in my sight

Tomorrow~, we ˇ¦ will ride on the wind

As we feel~ fitˇX


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