Let's talk about Cooking!  02 June  2005
Hi all! I'm George Patton, have lost contact with Asho from Melbourne, with Tom from D.C., and with Hamdy from the Gaza Strip.
I love baking, roasting, broiling, blending, etc., but my being in a wheelchair has put a damper on many things. Tiramasu sounded exotic and delicious but I am yet to try it. Things are so hectic in my tiny kitchen that I'm afraid to try making it. I will look for it at a local restaurant and see if I can try it out.
Featured Tip:
Tiramisu Cake
(click image for recipe)
Using Ricotta cheese is good but be careful. Health warnings about this cheese sometimes come out from the FDA. Check before using it!
Favorite Links:
Bon Appetit
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Email me!
Jan. 18 / Started by adding a Free Software link to CoffeCup and one to Nedstats. :-)
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