Birds Of Prey #27
Officer Down, Part 3: Armed And Dangerous

Birds Of Prey #27 Writer: Chuck Dixon
Artists: N. Steven Harris (p), John Nyberg (i), Noelle Giddings and Digital Chameleon (c), Willie Schubert (l), Durwin Talon (cover)
Editors: Michael Wright, Matt Idelson, and Bob Schreck
Publisher: DC Comics
Price: $2.50 U.S. / $4.25 CAN

Plot: The vigilantes, sans Batman, search for Catwoman, while the police try to keep their hope alive.

When you're hunting for a suspect, unleash the hounds. Especially when you're trying to track down Catwoman. Did she shoot Jim Gordon? Renee and Crispus didn't seem to think so in Robin #86, but the Bat-crew doesn't know that.

Both Alfred and Babs can't understand why all Batman wants to do is sit in the hospital room and whine. If the commissioner was conscious at the time, he might've discovered Batman's identity.

Dixon's in his element here, melding a bit of action with some humour. Though we know Batgirl would probably be able to say "Catwoman", watching her artistry at work is entertainment. Robin also seems at home in Gotham, getting back on the streets and into some old haunts like he used to, before being stuck at Brentwood. And in a rare moment, Dixon pairs Nightwing and Azrael of all people together, despite their past conflicts. You can almost hear Az's grunt in the gallery, with some comical help from Dick.

The writer also gets another crack at writing the GCPD, and though the department's gone through some changes since his last foray into the force, Dixon sure knows how to write Bock and Bullock. Harvey might come off as a bit freaky with the Catwoman target he's firing at, but his captions on the following page show that the police protect their own. The lieutenant was never one to do things by the book, but he just needs to get some anger out of his system.

Acting Commissioner Akins' search for acceptance among the other officers seems a bit unwarranted. Why should he expect them to say anything at all? He's just taking over, so he should get down to business and find the killer.


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