Catwoman #90
Officer Down, Part 4: Smoking Gun

Catwoman #90 Writer: Bronwyn Carlton
Artists: Mike Lilly (p), Wayne Faucher (i), Noelle Giddings and Jamison (c), Willie Schubert (l), Durwin Talon (cover)
Editors: Michael Wright, Matt Idelson, and Bob Schreck
Publisher: DC Comics
Price: $2.25 U.S. / $3.75 CAN

Plot: Once the Bat-team catches up with Catwoman, they attempt to plug her for eyewitness details about the Gordon shooting.

I haven't tarried in Catwoman lately, based on what I've heard from others about Carlton's run. And with the title rebooting later this year, perhaps Selina will find a new way to scratch her post. For right now, we get a chase scene which takes up half the comic.

As perhaps the greatest thief in the world, Catwoman proves she's as agile as her predators, escaping some of Gotham's best. Batgirl gets her chance to shine, as the artists provide her with a pose normally reserved for Batman, allowing Selina to make a witty remark at her expense. Carlton grabs more laughs from Robin's "Plan B", which obviously wouldn't happen in the comic, but is too funny to ignore.

One thing she really nailed was Azrael's character. She captures his boldness, his desire to help others, and during the questioning scene with Catwoman, she shows Az isn't just a guy in a weird-looking costume. He's levelheaded, and can agree with Nightwing on the best course of action. Carlton also enables him to team up with Batgirl again, a natural pairing.

Beyond all that, Jean Paul's final words on the penultimate page perfectly echo his character. He notes that Babs is inherently a strong person, and that she's tremendously connected to her father. Not long ago in the Azrael title, JP spent a lot of time either talking to or interacting with Babs, and his words here answer to and respect that relationship.


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