Nightwing #48
The Sylph, Part 1: Slender Thread

Nightwing #48 Writer: Chuck Dixon
Artists: Greg Land (p), Jose Marzan Jr. (i), Patricia Mulvihill (c)
Editors: Joe Illidge and Bob Schreck
Publisher: DC Comics
Price: $2.25 U.S. / $3.50 CAN

Plot: Nightwing encounters a dangerous silken vixen, while his regular self attains the position on the Bl�dhaven PD that he's been hoping for.

Ever since it began, Nightwing has always been drenched in subplots, and that's no clearer at any point than it is here. The focus of the story - that being the introduction of the smooth-flowing Sylph - is almost lost amidst the various nuances that Dixon's been weaving for the past few years. I became so caught up in what was happening to Clancy, Tad, and the rest that I almost forgot about the action with Nightwing's newest villain.

Could Sergeant Rohrbach be the Sylph? Maybe. She's got a bit of an attitude, but not without good reason. You can tell she's worked her way up in the BPD - she's one of the good cops, and in the 'Haven, there aren't many of those. Rohrbach resents Dick's sudden appointment to the rank of officer, figuring that some dirty higher-up rolled out the red carpet for him. And someone did, in the form of Mac Arnot, cop overseer, while Chief Redhorn's out taking a breather.

Outside of the force, Dick gets down to some detective work, discovering the Sylph's connection to a couple of textiles magnates. Without any help from Oracle, Nightwing displays the skills he's been working on throughout his life, even while in action on the streets. He goes through the possibilities of the Sylph's involvement in the "jumping" death of the magnate, from double suicide, to love interest, to murder.

At the same time, Dixon affords Nightwing some reality, when Dick knew he wouldn't be able to save the falling magnate, since he was too far away to do any good. All Nightwing could do was watch, a block or two away. Similarly, he can't pull out his arm and yank the Sylph from what he thought was her death-drop, because she's falling too fast, and the attempt would verily kill them both.

In subplot news, Tad finds himself at the mercy of some feds. Clancy continues to be ignored by Dick, even after the Irish gal said she'd walk around in the nude; oh, and she's starting her pre-med studies, too. See? Even I wasn't listening to her, poor kid. John and Amygdala say howdy to Dick, and Soames decides not to kill Blockbuster, even though the big guy tried calling him back, for whatever reason.

Next month, we'll find out if Nightwing is faster than a speeding trailer.


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