I Can't Hear Overall The Boys

A quiet village, a town in the middle of nowhere - something she'd always dreamed of, but never lived. Hers was a world of grey and black, with the blue too far gone to be seen anymore. Towers, subways, hot dog stands; parts of her disheveled life. Tranquility nil.

For almost three minutes, she tried to imagine what this other ideal life of hers would be like, away from the honking at the city's floor, or the suggestive noises from the apartment next door.

She wanted a farmhouse. No animals (she didn't care for animals), just acres and acres of farmland, where the nearest neighbour was in the next province. She'd have flowery begonias, maybe some crops...who knows what kind. It didn't really matter, as long as something grew - something she could take care of easily, and look after. Anything that would take her mind off

the two kids she was babysitting right now. They were whining. When they weren't whining, they were screaming at her. And it got really annoying when they hit her. Not exactly the ideal atmosphere for a teenaged mother of two, who'd take more pleasure out of hauling hay all day. Only if she got to wear a fashionable straw hat.


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