The Wednesday Night Crew

Here is where you will find all our hard workin' leaders in action on the battlegrounds. Takin' it to the youth straight from the streets, gangs, and clubs. With Eddie and DJ Flava J bustin' out the mad crazy beats, and then really breakin' it down to worshiping God, it really ministers to those in need. Then when Pastor Lee Shaw takes the mic, it's time to settle down into God's Word. We've got some really exiteing things going on right now, too. We're getting ready to knock down some walls in our youth building, and put up some new ones. The floors are getting a fresh coat of paint, the walls and bathrooms are getting an overhaul, we're getting new computer and gaming equipment, some more new audio stuff, and sooner or later, we're finally gonna get some video editting equipment. All in all, right now is the best time to be a part of Generation Chosen. As always, we're open to all.

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Visits since 10/25/99

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