The "Real" Bryan...

Name:  Brian Kettle

Age:  18

Location: Brian's Fort (Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland, Canada)

Likes:  Metallica, Megadeth, Jackass, Budweiser

Dislikes:  Light Beer, Just about everything when I'm in a bad mood!

Favorite Movie:  The Green Mile

        I also like, Spider-Man, American Beauty, Blow, The Lord of the Rings:  The              Fellowship of the Ring, A Beautiful Mind, Rocky IV, Gladiator, John Q.

Favorite Band:  Metallica

        I also like Megadeth, Creed, Jimi Hendrix, Slipknot, Led Zeppelin, KoRn.

Funniest Thing I Ever Heard: 

       "I'm a Pig, But I got Standards!!"   (My Friend said that in school last year,                  regarding some girl that wanted to go out with him, and i was making fun                   of him for it.)

School:  Well it's done...Class of 2002

Work/Employment:  Currently working at Shoppers Drug Mart

Other stuff worth noting:

        I like to drink beer, and have a laugh.  I like to do stupid shit.  (the other day I ate cat food cuz some guy dared me too.)  I love listening to heavy metal music like Metallica.  I like to watch good movies...not stupid ones.  I actually like to read sometimes.  I like Mick Foley's books (Have a Nice Day, and Foley is Good)   I am currently reading The Lord of The Rings books.  I love to sleep and eat.   I like to watch Jackass, Boston Public and That 70's Show.  Other than that...I am boring as HELL!!!

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