Mystery Man -vs- Miss Lucky (c)

Mike RaPhone: Ladies and Gentleman, we are ready for our main event and what a match this will be. The Newly crowned Champion, Miss Lucky is going to make her first title defense and it’s against for Mystery Man.

Noddy Smith: Yes, Mike, since late February, we’ve been seeing the Mystery Man stalk the IHW Champion, and tonight we will finally find out who this mysterious man is. I for one can’t wait.

***The Cage starts to lower of the ring as the fans fall silent.***

Noddy Smith: And the cage is now being lowered to secure the ring. Mike...this is going to be one hell of a match! The cage is completely lowered now, so lets go to the ring.

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our main event for Mind Games, and it’s a Hell in a Cell match, for the IHW World Championship Title. Introducing first...

***Lisa’s Entrance***

Ring Announcer: Introducing lastly...

***The Lights fade out as “Among The Living” by Anthrax starts to play over the PA.***

Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring, he is one half of the IHW Tag Team Champions....THE MYSTERY MAN.

***The Mystery Man walks out onto the ramp and slowly walks down the ramp and slides into the ring. He stands in front of the ring ropes and looks across at Miss Lucky.***

Ding, Ding Ding

***The bell sounds the beginning of the match. The referee takes the title from Miss Lucky as both wrestlers look on at each other. The Mystery Man slowly walks toward Miss Lucky, as she starts to follow after. The meet in the center of the ring. The Mystery Man looks at Miss Lucky. He raises his arm and slides his thumb across his throat as some of the fan’s cheer, Miss Lucky looks on. The Mystery Man suddenly hits Miss Lucky with a stiff right fist to her jaw, she stammers for a second as the Mystery Man reaches back and punches her in the forehead. Miss Lucky falls to the mat but is quickly picked up and tosses into the corner by the Mystery Man. He slaps both hands around Miss Lucky’s throat and starts to choke her. He reaches his sun glasses with one hand and tears them off of his face and he now meets with Miss Lucky’s eyes. The Mystery Man lets go and hits Miss Lucky with an elbow to the face. Miss Lucky grabs her face as the Mystery Man retreats from the corner. The Mystery Man looks into the fans and raises his arms, when he turns around he’s met with a drop kick from Miss Lucky. She quickly gets up and kicks the Mystery Man in the chest a couple of times before executing a leg drop. Miss Lucky grabs for his ski mask but the Mystery Man struggles, he grabs the back of Miss Lucky’s head and he jumps up and then lands on the mat, hitting Miss Lucky with a jaw breaker. She falls to the mat as the Mystery Man gets up, he fixes his ski mask and then climbs outside of the ring. After getting out of the ring, he grabs Miss Lucky by the arm and leg and pulls her out of the ring. He gives her an Irish-whip into the steel cage, The Mystery Man follows ups with using his body as a battering ram to push Miss Lucky further into the steel cage. The Mystery Man grabs Miss Lucky by the hair and turns her around and bashes her head into the steel ring post. He lets go and Miss Lucky falls to the floor. The Mystery Man looks under the ring and grabs a chair, he then tosses it into the ring and walks over and also rolls Miss Lucky into the ring. The Mystery Man climbs into the ring, he grabs Miss Lucky and slides her over to the chair that lay’s in the ring. He picks Miss Lucky up and sets her up for a scorpion death drop over the steel chair, but while in the move, Miss Lucky kicks the Mystery Man in the head.***

Mike RaPhone: What a good offensive move from the champ.

***The Mystery Man falls back and leans against the ropes, Miss Lucky struggles to regain her composure as she runs towards the Mystery Man and clotheslines him over the top rope. The Mystery Man falls to the outside as Miss Lucky falls to the ring floor for a quick break. She only rests for a couple of seconds before walking to the ropes, but the Mystery Man grabs her ankles and pulls her onto the ring floor and then pulls her out of the ring. Miss Lucky crawls backwards while the Mystery Man slowly walks after her. She reaches the end of the cage and can’t go further, the Mystery Man walks up her but she grabs his trench coat and pulls him into the cage. The Mystery Man’s head bounces off the steel post. Miss Lucky gets up and delivers a body slam. She quickly climbs into the ring and climbs up onto the steel ring post. She jumps off but is met with a boot her to face, as Miss Lucky falls to the floor the Mystery Man sits up and looks at her. The Mystery Man grabs the chair from in the ring, he raises it above his head and slams it into Miss Lucky’s back.***


***The Mystery Man does it several more times before he picks Miss Lucky up and carries her over to the door of the cage. He gives her a stiff Irish-Whip into the door, the door moves a little but doesn’t give. The Mystery Man gives Miss Lucky a German suplex onto the protective mats. The Mystery Man quickly slides into the ring, he hopes over the ring ropes and catches Miss Lucky by the throat with a leg drop, he grabs the lower part of his back in pain as he slowly gets up. He tosses Miss Lucky into the ring and follows after her. He picks up Miss Lucky and tosses her into the corner, he gives her an Irish-Whip but Miss Lucky reverses it and sends The Mystery Man running into the corner. When he gets close to the ring ropes, he runs up the ropes and quickly does a moonsault and catches Miss Lucky. The Mystery Man goes for a cover as the referee counts. 1...2... Miss Lucky kicks out as the Mystery Man gets up. The Mystery Man picks Miss Lucky up and gives her a choke slam. The Mystery Man takes off his trench coat and tosses it to the outside of the ring. The Mystery Man just stands and looks at Miss Lucky who is starting to get up. As she is getting up The Mystery Man runs and tries to hit a spear but Miss Lucky moves and he hits the turnbuckle. The Mystery Man lays on the ring floor for a little as Miss Lucky climbs out of the ring and grabs the chair, she slides into the ring and she walks over and hits the Mystery Man with the chair in the back. The Mystery Man falls to one knee, she hits him again and the Mystery Man falls completely to the floor. Miss Lucky pulls him away from the ropes and she goes for a pin. 1..., The Mystery Man quickly kicks out. Miss Lucky walks back to the ring ropes and grabs the chair, as she is walking back the Mystery Man gets up, as Miss Lucky raises the chair, the Mystery Man does a spin hook kick and the chair hits Miss Lucky in the face. She falls to the ring floor and the Mystery Man looks on. He quickly walks to the turnbuckle and hopes on it, he looks at Miss Lucky on the floor and he executes a Five Star Frog Splash. The Mystery Man then goes for the cover. 1....2....3***

Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and NEW IHW Champion....THE MYSTERY MAN!

***The fans give a big but mixed reaction to the Mystery Man’s victory.***

Noddy Smith: Holy Shit, The Mystery Man just defeated Miss Lucky and he’s now the IHW Champion.

***The referee hands the Mystery Man the IHW World Title, he raises it above his head as the fans continue to give a mixed reaction. The cage starts to rise up above from the ring. The Mystery Man stands over Miss Lucky and he points his finger to the IHW Title then to Miss Lucky. The cage is completely lifted from the ring as The Mystery Man drops the title to the floor. He takes the black gloves from his hands and tosses them to the outside.***

Noddy Smith: Here we go....we’re about to find out who the Mystery Man is.

***The Mystery Man pulls off the black ski mask to reveal himself to be Bryan Fury.***


***The fans erupt into cheers as Bryan Fury raises the IHW World Title above his head. Mr. IHW [Mr Perfect’s WWF Theme Song] starts to play over the PA as Bryan Fury takes off the black vest to reveal a shirt with “MR. IHW” on it in big white letters.***

Noddy Smith: All along, Bryan Fury has been the Mystery Man.

***Bryan climbs out of the ring and slowly walks up the ramp. When he gets to the top he raises both the IHW World Title and the IHW Tag Team Title.***

Noddy Smith: For IHW, I’m Noddy Smith, and this is Mike RaPhone, I hope you enjoyed watching IHW’s Mind Games, and we’ll see you next month. Goodnight.

***The scene changes back to Bryan on top of the ramp with both of his titles. The IHW logo comes on the screen followed by the copyright and the scene fades out as Bryan continues to celebrate to the fans with his newly won belt.***

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