Name:  Bryan Fury

Wrestling Name:  Bryan Fury

Height:  6'0"

Weight:  237 lbs.

Home Town:  Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland, Canada

Most Notable Quote (s):  "I am the TRUE Innovator of Violence!" , "I'm Mr. IHW" , "Mr. WHW"


                    Best Roleplay and Match of the Week in GCW  [August 12th, 2001]

                    Ranked #1 in GCW  [Month of August, 2001]

                    Ranked #1 in IHW  [Month of January, 2003]

                    IHW's 2002 Most Promising SuperStar

                    IHW's 2002 New Comer of the Year

                    Ranked #4 of Ten in Gold WeWA Wrestlers  [January 5th, 2003 - January 11th, 2003]

                    Third Person Inducted into the IHW Hall of Fame  [Date Inducted:  February 7th, 2003]

                    Ranked #1 Numerous Times in WHW

                    WHW Blood War I Rumble Winner  [January 26th, 2004]

Current Theme Song:

                     "Perfect"  [Mr. Perfect's WWF Theme Song]

Past Theme Songs:

                    "Whiplash" by Metallica

                    "Seek & Destroy" by Metallica

                    "Black & White" by Static X

                    "Fuck Authority" by Pennywise

                    "Whole F'N Show"  [RVD's first WWF Theme Song]

Current Promotions [Involved]:

                    World Hardcore Wrestling  [WHW]

Past Promotions:

                    Global Championship Wrestling  [GCW]

                    Global Pro Wrestling  [GPW]

                    Shattered Dreams Wrestling Association  [SDWA]

                    Blood Guts Wrestling  [BGW]

                    2 Xtreme Wrestling  [2XW]

                    Extremely Hardcore Championship Wrestling  [EHCW]

                    Insane Hardcore Wrestling  [IHW]

                    World Hardcore Wrestling  [WHW]



    Bryan Fury is a man of great strength and flexibility.  While in grade 9 at the age of 15 Bryan joined Tae Kwon Do under the guidance of Chong Lee.   Bryan quickly made his presense felt, while he was a green belt, Bryan was fighting and he tore the legiments in his right knee and he also tore his calf muscle in his right leg.  Bryan spent a month and a half out of Tae Kwon Do and was thinking about quitting but after Bryan was able to walk he went back and earned his black belt at the age of 17.  After Bryan graduated from school he left home and lived on his own.   Bryan sought a new place to practice his Tae Kwon Do and he gained his second degree black belt.  Bryan worked as a bouncer and one night a fight broke out outside a club.  Bryan stepped in and finished it off.  Two people witnessed the fight, GCW owner Corey Jordison and Co-owner S2K.  Bryan was asked to join GCW.

    It wasn't long before Bryan gained gold, Bryan won the GCW United States Title in his first match against Cyrus Ice.  While at the same time, Bryan was offered another contract to wrestle for G-Lo Strow in GPW.  Bryan joined and was one of the first men to join the roster in GPW.  Bryan was set to fued PPVcreator, not seeing a bright future in GPW, Bryan left and worked on his career in GCW.  Bryan quickly became the #1 for the GCW World Heavyweight Title and was also ranked #1 in the entire federation.  Bryan was about get his World Title shot but the GCW World Champion, Diamond Kid left, and shortly after that GCW went bankrupt.  Bryan was seeking a new place to wrestling, so he went back to GPW.

    Bryan quickly won the GPW United States title and was well on his way to winning the GPW World Heavyweight Championship.  The Game was the GPW World Champion at the time and he parted ways with GPW and the World Title was now vacent.   The Game declared that Bryan Fury should have been the GPW World Champion, but G-Lo gave the GPW World Title to a guy named "Creeper" Herb Jonze.  When Bryan was about to get his World Title shot, GPW too, went bankrupt.  Yet again, seeking a new place to wrestle, Bryan joined WDW but two weeks after Bryan joined WDW, it closed down.  Bryan was looking for a new place to wrestle, he followed the mainstream to where many other GPW wrestlers went.  Bryan went to join SDWA.

    Bryan started fast in SDWA.  Bryan went on to become one of two finalists to determine a first ever SDWA World Heavyweight Champion.  Bryan fought Jake Cage but Bryan lost and was awarded his first loss ever.  Bryan went on to win the SDWA Intercontinental Championship Title.  Bryan was going to be granted a rematch against Jake Cage but SDWA closed down after it went under new management.

    Bryan was once again left with out a place to wrestle.  Bryan was later offered a contract to wrestle for Justin Douglas' 2XW.  After winning a few matches in 2XW, Bryan didn't see a bright future and was going to leave but was asked to stay until 2XW's next Pay Per View, Bryan did and on that night he went on to win the 2XW Xtreme Title in a 10 man Battle Royal and Bryan also won the 2XW World Heavyweight Championship Title against Lando.  Bryan stayed in 2XW for a while but it later closed down, but Justin Douglas opened another federation called EHCW.

    Bryan quickly won the EHCW Tag Team Titles with Calur and he also won the EHCW World Heavyweight Championship TItle.  After a few victories, EHCW closed it's doors also.

    Bryan heard about a wrestling federation that housed former GPW and SDWA wrestlers, so Bryan went to join BGW.  Bryan went on to fight former GPW Lightweight Champion Waylon "Xtreme" Spencer in the finals to determine the first ever BGW World Heavyweight Champion.  Bryan lost due to interferance but was awarded the BGW Intercontinental Championship.  Bryan was going to be granted a rematch against Waylon but four days after Bryan won the BGW Intercontinental Title he dropped the title and quit BGW.

    A short time after BGW closed down and some wrestlers went to a new federation, RGW.  Bryan joined RGW but quit a couple of days later.  Bryan was thinking of retiring from wrestling.  After he left RGW he took some time off from wrestling and concentrated on his Tae Kwon Do Career, Bryan won the 2001 World Tae Kwon Do Championship and forgot about wrestling.  Ten months after quitting BGW Bryan was asked by a friend to come to IHW.

    In late November of 2002 Bryan joined IHW.  Bryan also won the 2002 World Tae Kwon Do Championships.  Bryan beat most of the top talent in IHW such as TraV, and Steve Hanger.  Bryan was voted the "IHW's Most Promising Wrestler" for 2002.  Bryan with a few other wrestlers joined a group called the "Alliance of Violence."  On January 26th, 2003 Bryan Fury beat Steve Hanger for the second time, but this time he won the IHW World Heavyweight Championship.

    Bryan Fury retired on Feburary 7th, 2003. He left behind the IHW World Heavyweight Championship title. Bryan retired due to personal issues but he only came back a month later but was masked as the Mystery Man. While Bryan was the Mystery Man he single-handedly won the IHW Tag Team Titles and a few weeks later he defeated Miss Lucky to become the IHW World Champion. After revealing himself, Bryan and AKA were stripped of the IHW Tag Team Titles. A month after Bryan defeated Miss Lucky for the IHW World Title, a rematch was set between both wrestlers, long time enemy of Bryan Fury, Steve Hanger hit Bryan with a car, causing him to lose to Miss Lucky, and lose the IHW World Title. Being injured Bryan drifted out of IHW.  In August of 2003, Bryan teamed with Chris Macavedi and opened GCW, GCW was short-lived however, only after a couple of months, it shut down.  In late November of 2003, Bryan joined WHW.

    Bryan was one of the first members to join the ranks of WHW, and in the debut of WHW's Friday Night Riot Bryan won the main event by defeating Jason "The Bomb" Stevens.  Bryan was enlisted in the WHW World Title Tournament, after defeating one man, Bryan left briefly left WHW due to personal reasons.  Bryan returned to WHW after the World Title was won by Rivanya.  The following Pay Per View event, titled Blood War I.  A Rumble assembled of ten man was named the main event.  Bryan was granted the last person to enter, and during the Rumble Bryan elimated two men making their debuts, Synn and Peak.  Bryan won the Rumble at Blood War I and was granted a World Title shot at the following Pay Per View, titled Revenge.

    After winning the Blood War I Rumble, Bryan announced that WHW would be indeed his last promotion, he announced his retirement once he is finished in WHW.  The following month Bryan Fury fought Rivanya in a cage match within a Hell in a Cell and Bryan collected his fifth World Title victory, he defeated Rivanya.  Currently Bryan is still the champion, and is rumored to be fighting Rivanya at the March 28th Pay Per View titled Acopolypse.



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