After long awaiting, they're here. These are some recent pictures of the family and their new toys. Come take the tour!

PepperWell, here's that happy puppy of ours. She's standing in front of the bookshelf that I recently made literally from scratch. There will be a picture of it later. Pepper isn't any special breed. When the vet can't even tell, then she's a definite mutt. Pepper againIt's because of her that we can't keep the apartment clean (See other picture for proof) but we still love her to death. We aquired Pepper when we went to the pound one day looking for a dog. We kept finding ones we wanted, but we weren't able to take any of them home that day. Finally the worker brought out this little scared puppy and gave her to Riki to hold saying that she could go. Well, needless to say Riki fell in love with her so we took her home. Man, I wish Pepper was still as calm as that first day we brougth her home. Oh well......

It's the kittyWell, here she is, the newest member of the family. Ran into the house on one rainy day when I came home and has stayed ever since. After about two weeks we figured she needed a name, and after much debating (and the wife reminding me that I can't get my way) we named her Jezebel. She's a bit frisky, but tends to be rather quiet. The worse problem we've had with having her around is the fact that Pepper just has to make friends with her and she won't have it. Kids, what can you do?It's the kitty

The beauty of speed

Well, I have be proud of it. It took me many years to get this thing, and most of my friends know the story. This is the new car, the 1998Acura Integra GS-R. For those not familiar with the lettering, this is the top of the line in the Integra generation. Believe me, life really changes when you have a red line at 8100 rpms and it's possible to be doing 80 mph by third gear. Before I can go on, I must confess that this would not have been possible if it weren't for the love of my wife Riki whom I told many times that she should get a car she wanted, but insisted that I get one instead. This was also made possible by my parents who finally starting paying their child back for ditching him for Oregon (just kidding. I love you guys). No, that's not a scratch on the hood. It's just an artifact in the picture. The car's in great shape, a few imperfections, but for a used car it's been great. The beauty of speedThe second picture didn't come out as well after scanning, but that has to do with the scanner. It wasn't working very well. At any rate, it's a pretty car, and although it's a smaller car (especially sitting next to the crown vic in the first picture, the car Riki drives at the moment) it has proven to be very useful. I've done many things with that car that I couldn't do with the Volvo. Anyway, I'll quit bragging on it now. Thank you everyone for putting up with me all those years before. :-)

The beauty of speed
My other significant creation. This is the bookshelf that I've mentioned to some of you before about. I literally drew the plan out, went to Home Depot and bought the wood, sanded it down, sealed it, stained it, finished it, and put it together. There it stands, and very well I might add. Although it's got it's imperfections, it still stands strong. This project began as a Christmas present for Riki when I couldn't find any bookshelves that I liked, so I decided to build her one. It's turned out so great that I've gotten into planning on building other things. My next project in works right now is my surround speakers for the home theater. I'll post those when they're done.

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