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Year End Holiday Season: A Guidance of Indonesia Wellknown Tourism Area

A Few Words From Author: Because my busy activities I cant finished the page at the proper times, for that I'm really sorry...And I cant complete the hole page at this moment, but I'm promised to finish it completely as soon as possible, more infos more places to visit. Best regards, Boyle J. - Salak View.


Lagoi Tourism Area: The Best Place For Golfers

Maybe noy much of local travelers know well about Lagoi tourism area. Located on North island of Bintan (Riau province), Lagoi is a biggest resort area in Asia with 23,000 ha. There's seven five star class hotels with 1,200 rooms and 100 cottages also the best of four golf course with 18 holes and 27 holes. Until August 2000, recorded 25,000 visitor/months visiting Lagoi. The local visitor is not much because the expensive of Lagoi resort and is location far away. The exchange in Lagoi is using Singapore dollars.


Talking about golf, Bintan is became heaven for golfers, especially for visitor from Singapore. Singapore is a transit place for many travelers to visiting Lagoi. The trip form Singapore just need 45 minutes, from Batu Merah Ferry harbor (Singapura) to Bentan Telani Ferry harbor (Lagoi). The golf course was designed by famous golf designers: Jack Nicklaus, Ian Baker Finch, Greg Norman and Garry Player. The designed for Bintan Lagoon Resort by Jack Nicklaus and Ian Baker Finch with 18 holes and 38 holes, Banyan Tree designed by Greg Norman with 18 holes and Ria Bintan was designed by Garry Player with 32 holes.


Ria Bintan is more exciting with the scenery of Natuna Sea and the grass is specially imported from Taiwan, that make in the golf course can operated a buggie. Not just that at holes 9 and holes 10 its located in different beach reefs that separated by Natuna Sea! so its more challenging for golfers. Beside a golf course, an actractive of Lagoi is a beautiful beach that straight head with South Cina ocean. Seven resorts and five stars hotels in the area: Mana-mana Beach, Mayang Sari Beach, Sol Elite Bintan, Banyan Tree Resort, Bintan Lagoon Golf, Club Med Bintan and Banyan Tree Golf. The resorts stand along the beautiful beach that always keep clean.


Lagoi resort area is managed by Bintan Resort Corporation that owned by Salim Group and investor from Singapore. Almost all investments in this area hold by non government companies, to build power plant, water dam and road facilities. So why not start to planning visit Lagoi resort, have fun there!


Bangkirai Hills, Selling Forest Charmed

The adventures of exploring tropical rain forest is not only for mountain climber. Hiking, to hear birds whistle, sounds of insects and sometime for monkey screaming, or squirrels flying over the trees. Thats only happened if visiting Bukit Bangkirai in East Kalimantan.


The area for 510 ha is managed by PT Inhutani. After opened for 2 years now visiting rates for a months is about 1,000 visitors, but in holidays would be visited by 500 visitors a weeks. Most of them are from Japan, Holland and foreign workers in Balikpapan.


To reach Bukit Bangkirai from Balikpapan is go to Samarinda direction and stop at Km 38 or Wana Riset Semboja, continue the trip for 20 Km to Bukit Bangkirai area for about 1,5 hours. In this 20 km the road facilities is minimum, but if compares with others tourism area Bukit Bangkirai is the most closer to Sepinggan Balikpapan Airport.


The tickets in is Rp. 1,500 for adults and Rp. 1,000 for childrens. For visitor by car will take additional charge for Rp 10,000. And if you want new way of enjoying the scenery theres a canopy bridge (enjoying the scenery, new adventures crossing from one trees to others by a canopy bridge) the tickets is Rp 20,000/visitor.




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