
oki doki started in october 1996 when team bonet, a group of close maniacs who call themselves friends, arrived in florida, and were given web space from their alma matter, the university of central florida. we still remember that day, and how we couldn't even colour the background of the files. soon, we spent numerous hours filled with tears, blood, anger, and happiness and much silly talk working hard on our shrines. the shrines grew from the tiny dragon ball z room we built to over forty different rooms in all topics from manga to films to american comics to british books. anything and everything deserved a shrine, and these we built with dedication, devotion, and love during our free hours before classes and after classes. it was a lot of fun. and the effort paid off grandiosely. over six million readers and visitors showered our mail boxes with hundreds of letters, questions, awards, nominations, adoration, and even a harsh word or two, which the bonet crew welcomed. friends were made and lost, and the shrines were honoured with links filled with praise. and team bonet was happy.  six years were not enough time to spend among such admirable people.

on january 2002 oki doki came to an end. not because we no longer love our readers or the things we kept on the shrines. but because all things come to an end. 

our mail box is still open, but we will no longer expand our shrines, nor will we partake of the world the shrines belonged to. we've remodelled the fan fiction sections of our shrines so they may continue to delight those who harbour an interest in them, but we've moved on. 

to all of our wonderful readers, we thank them from the deepest and most humble bottoms of our hearts. to those who will never see our homepage in its full size of over one hundred files in over twelve different file managers, we encourage them to take on a shrine building project. at least one. because it is worth it. writing, expressing your opinions, scanning, composing, designing, and uploading, sweating over something you love. all of these things are worth trying at least once. to those who knew us, we say goodbye, and thank you for all the wonderful times. and all the fishes.


- team bonet


[ shrines ]


© 27th january 2002 team bonet, version 6.0 (final version). believe it or not, those stoves are actually copyrighted: copyright © march 1947 raytheon manufacturing and © 13 march 1998 helman. lord of the rings was the last great big thing to ever touch these shrines. adios.

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