The Two-Headed Eagle

by Shaun Watson
(dated 2000.12.8)

Wings -- they lift you
up from the refuse.
Legs -- they get the
job done the right
way & the best way.
* * * * * * * * * *

I met this girl. I love
her and she in return,
but we're 2 heads
about everything.
She's such a pain.
* * * * * * * * * *

I want to wrap my
wings around her
and take her away.
To the sky. In
order to get there,
ya gotta have legs
to run and push.
Push the body away
from the earth
To the sky.
* * * * * * * * * *

A bird (even a 2-headed
one) must have a body.
She is my body; I don't
do the things I do for
my health. I wouldn't
do them for anyone else.
What I do for her would
not matter if I did not
have her. For what are
wings and legs with no
body to carry? One
without the other renders
both parts useless.
As for the 2 heads,
I feel that the
gap between the
heads will be bridged
eventually -- and
the bridge detroyed
afterward -- 'cuz
there's no going back.
* * * * * * * * * *

Wings, legs & a body
are fine and dandy,
but it needs a head
to guide it. Better to
be 2 heads about
everything, 'cuz 2
heads are better
than one.
* * * * * * * * * *

Two wings to glide,
Two legs to hold
dreams close to the
body, led by 2 heads

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