<BGSOUND SRC="hopeless.mid">
Just Like the catapilar will one day be a beautiful butterfly,
  God is still working on me to make me what he wants me to be
and I'm still working on this page
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    Only love can let a sparrow fly.
    Love alone can give it wing,
  And love prepares a songbird�s heart,
     Till it finds it�s song to sing.

      Color fills the painter�s pallet,
       Each one stands in separate tone,
  But it�s love that dips the paintbrush,
To paint a world that�s not his own.

Man and woman come together,
Say their vows...new life�s begun.
But it�s love that draws them closer,
Till those two hearts beat as one
Little children hold our heartstrings
Though they step upon your toes
And it is love that bears the bruising,
On your heart as this child grows.

Love is strong, oft times courageous..
Standing as a strong oak tree.
Yet again much like the willow,
Able still to bow the knee.

God is love.

by:  Carolyn Ruth,  
�  2000 All Rights Reserved
Come in, relax and then...after you look, if you like what you see...Come back, and bring a friend
New Life

In the springtime we see life all around us,
As each follows GOD's given plan.
The flowers awake to the Master,
Who spoke back when time first began.

Every seed has been given a purpose,
Reproducing after it's kind,
till all of creation gives credence
To the order of Holy design.

Then trees in their skeletal bareness,
Undressed by winters own coup,
Awaken to stirrings with in them,
As the Master adorns them anew.

The birds return singing His praises.
Tiny insects now scurry and crawl.
For all of creation is quickened,
As each creature responds to His call.

God's Word is the very foundation
On which all of creation depends.
It gives life to all who receive it,
It's a new life that never will end.

Though unlike all nature around us
Mankind has been given a choice...
To accept or reject what He's saying,
Won't you listen and obey His voice?

by: Carolyn Ruth

�  2002 All Rights Reserved
Call For Prayer
My Front Porch
Featured Poet

The Life of a Rose
by: Debra Spigner

A very good friend once gave me
A long-stemed rose of red.
For days it graced my table,
But too soon it bowed its head.
As I sat, and gazed upon it
I spotted up close to the top,
Beneath the wilting petals
What apeared to be tiny teardrops.
I thought to myself that the rose
Looked as if it were crying
With its head bowed down, resigned,
As though it knew it was dying.
As that thought passed, and as I gazed,
Another thought soon replaced it.
That rose was grown for one single purpose
And I cried as I honestly faced it.
The rose was grown and tenderly reared,
To be cut in its most usable state.
The gardener planted and nurtured the rose,
Always aware of its fate.
I thought of the joy it imparted,
When, with love, it was placed in my hand.
And with the smile on the face of the giver,
The rose fulfilled its predestined plan.
It argued not with its master,
Its regal purpose understood,
Raised from its birth solely
To die for some other's good.
I thought, "I know this story.
I've heard it again and again.
It sounds like the story of Jesus,
Born to die for all mortal men."
But in that moment of reckoning
The LORD whispered truth in my ear.
"My child, this is simbolic of your life,
And all of my children so dear.
I have a purpose for  each one
Whom I have tenderly raised
And not one moment, one joy, one sorrow,
Should leave you afraid or amazed.
I know the plan for each petal.
I know every fear, every dread.
I saw each time you were happy,
I saw when you bowed down your head.
My cutting and pruning has raised you,
To your most useable state.
Though you may not understand it,
I am aware of your fate.
Some days you feel like your dying,
Head drooping and tears in your eye.
Sacrificed for the good of others,
Who may never know how you cry.
Oh! Don't think its over, little flower.
I have much more than this life.
Remember, the joy that I've promised
Will make you forget present strife.
Jesus has given you an example.
Follow Him whereever He goes.
Remember the picture I gave you,
And live the life of the rose."

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