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My name is Samantha. If you want to know even more about me it is here. My journal is here.

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1. My parents named me Samantha after the witch in Bewitched.
2. My father always called me “Witchy” until very recently.
3. I have a penchant for witchcraft.
4. I hate being called Sam.
5. I love cold weather.
6. I have a daughter who is my only reason for getting out of bed.
7. I am religiously early for everything. If I am late I will not go.
8. I become highly irritated when people are late.
9. I remember all my dreams unless I choose not to.
10. I can make myself sleep during the day, but not at night.
11. I can get by on 3 hours sleep even with a hangover, but I enjoy sleeping.
12. I wake four or five times a night.
13. I like to get drunk.
14. A cold beer while camping in the summer appeals to me.
15. Two beers makes me feel ill.
16. I could eat from the moment I got out of bed to going to sleep and still be hungry.
17. I ate so much once that I threw up.
18. I have only ever thrown up from drinking once, and no one was there to see it.
19. I like geometric shapes, especially squares.
20. I count and tally everything.
21. My favourite number is 9.
22. I am scared of the number 8.
23. I like to read, almost anything.
24. My favourite author is Kurt Vonnegut.
25. My favourite band is Bad Religion.
26. I have been listening to Bad Religion since I was 11.
27. I am a messy person.
28. When I do clean I usually find upwards of $10 in crevasses.
29. I can sing almost all the songs from Hi-5’s second series.
30. My favourite colour changes from day to day.
31. Today is pink, yesterday it was green.
32. I generally wear nothing but black, but I am not a Goth.
33. I have long hair that I brush several times a day.
34. I become highly irritable if I have hair I my face, more so than normal.
35. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be white bread.
36. I’m a Taurus with Leo rising.
37. I hate the sound of people eating.
38. I hate receipts and think they should only be printed on request.
39. I think the little red man is superfluous.
40. I am shy.
41. People think my shyness is arrogance.
42. I hate new reporters, directors and weathermen- people who take credit when not deserved.
43. I hate people that park over footpaths.
44. I think you should have to pay for each shopping bag you use.
45. I did student exchange in Magyarorszag (aka Hungary).
46. When I first arrived the only words I knew were “Szia” and “hogy vagy:”
47. I travelled to Romania, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium and England.
48. I spent a whole 7 hours in Switzerland.
49. I do not think I have travelled enough.
50. I really want to go to the Galapagos Islands.
51. I lost my virginity at 17.
52. All my friends think it was earlier because I don’t want to discuss it.
53. I have smoked marijuana 4 times.
54. It makes me feel like my scalp is peeling off.
55. I had speed once by accident.
56. The come down wasn’t worth it.
57. I would rather that I had never consumed any drugs.
58. I quit smoking cigarettes March 26, 2001.
59. I still crave them
60. I would like to look like Angelina Jolie.
61. Or sleep with her.
62. I’m pretty sure I have herpes, or Chlamydia.
63. I won’t go to the doctor to find out.
64.I have two brothers.
65. I am the middle child, 2 years age difference both sides.
66. I worked at a supermarket for 2 years.
67. I got special treatment for the last year because I was seeing the supervisors nephew.
68. I have 3 tattoos. A lizard, a beetle and a band I need changed.
69. I wish I only had the beetle.
70. I know I have walked in my sleep three times.
71. I would like to have a book published.
72. Only one and be known for its brilliance.
73. I am writing it slowly because I want it to be perfect.
74. I would like to know every word and its meaning
75. I am intelligent, but not an intellectual.
76. If I don’t like doing something I will do a half arsed job.
77. I would like to become and architect.
78. I am going to apply for the course in July.
79. I don’t think I will get in because I have not worked hard for 8 or more years.
80. I can get a passing grade on an essay on things I haven’t studies.
81. I once got a B+ on a book I never read.
82. I find it amusing that there is a term for throwing a person out a window (Defenestration)
83. I don't hav any friends.
84. The one who pretends tends to make me feel bad about myself.
85. I don’t think she means it.
86. But I am not sure.
87. I spend most of my thoughts making up and perfecting stories I never write.
88. I always use myself as the main protagonist.
89. I have never shaved my bikini line.
90. I used to weight 120kg (264lb)
91. I lost 45kg (100lb) last year.
92. I prefer a shower to a bath.
93. I would shower more than once a day if I didn’t have to pay the bills.
94. I spend too much money and cannot stop myself.
95. I cry when I am angry so that I do not hurt someone.
96. I am afraid that there is nothing after this life.
97. I have a lot of beliefs but not faith.
98. I sleep on my stomach.
99. I sleep on the floor more often than not.
100. I think my daughter is the greatest thing in this world.

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