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Age: 23
Height: 169cm (5"6')
Start: 120kg (264.5lb)
Current: 85kg (187lb)
Goal: 60kg (132lb)

Weak, transient effect: Today
during the day you feel impulsive
and willing to act rashly. Your
moods change so quickly that you
surprise yourself as well as others.
You may be with someone else who is
like this, usually a woman. Probably
you will be impatient with your normal
routine and want to do something
completely different. Assuming that the
"something different" is within reason,
it is probably all right to go ahead.
In fact you might as well not bother
trying to be disciplined and responsible
for the next few hours. If you have work
to do that requires great concentration,
you won't be able to keep your mind on
it, or you will do a sloppy job. Usually
this is not a sign of conflict, but if
someone is trying to hold you back
from expressing your impulses, you may
get angry at him or her.


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8,495 days old

I should have stayed in bed this morning. I wanted to, don�t get me wrong. I wanted to curl my fat arse up under a doona for the whole day and do nothing. The only reason that I got the energy to go to class was the fact that I had to return a video to my lecturer (Out Of The Past from 1947 starring a young, say 20ish, Kirk Douglas!) and I would have felt bad if I did not.
How did all the badness start, other than doing something that I did not want to? I go on the bus because it was raining. I caught the early bus because it is usually quiet, however it was late so it had all the passengers for the later bus were on, and no one is ever nice to me. Why is that? I smile, but people still are rude to me! So, the point is it was too much fuss to strap her in and turn the pram round sso when the bus came to a sudden stop she went flying down the aisle.
Then I sat through my Sex class and was bored out of my brain with a painful wisdom tooth. Go on the bus, came home to find out that I HAD LOCKED MYSELF OUT OF THE FUCKING HOUSE! So I had to head back into town, get the key and go home. Didn�t help that I GOT ON THE WRONG FUCKING BUS! To make that worse, Mr. Perfect (who we�ll call Mr. Used To Be Perfect because he is looking too sallow and had bad breath) got on the bus with me, and it was the wrong bus for him. OMG, I am going to find some money and get chips because I am not going to try my luck with a gas stove. Then I am going to come home, curl up under a doona, and watch some television! Okay, that is the plan. Dammit.


Name: energy
Well, tomorrow has to be better than that!

Name: energy
Did you have to train him to shower as a kitten, or did it come later? Did he always like it? I can't believe it. Thats a riot.

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