This all works on my computer, does it one everyone else�s? I mean, do all the lines line up and so forth? Have it based on a maximised screen, because if it isn�t like that I get bugged. My Sex teacher never maximises her screens, and I can�t stand it.
I am blowing that class off this afternoon on the �I Don�t Want To Be There� rule. It usually gets me into trouble but who gives a fat rats arse?
Lucky I did as well as Missy has become Miss Misery over the last few days. When I arrived she was crying and they said she had been whiny all day and had been asking for me. If I had stayed at school I would have been there a further 4 hours. She just isn�t happy so tomorrow before I head to the dentist (and I WILL go this time) I will take her to the doctor. Mine is booked out until Monday so I will have to go to the one in town where it is first in first served, which means that people are generally lining up from 1pm. I will be there early.
And then go to the dentist.
I think I have discovered one of the reasons that I don�t get along with people around me. There was three girls sitting next to me in class and I was listening to their conversation. They were having a serious discussion about the story line of Neighbours. Now don�t get me wrong, I am possibly the biggest television junkie in history, but Neighbours is a daily Australian trash soap opera which is not only highly predictable, and repetitious, but designed with family values in mind- hence it is made for younger generations or conservative ideals, not girls who believe that �Edwina should just fuck Jack� . I do watch it, there is no denying that, but I don�t think that the story line deserves any form of serious discussion. Or perhaps I am wrong and I am being extremely judgemental. Hell, I am looking forward to The Amazing Race this evening and Alias tomorrow. I miss Buffy like crazy, but then again, they all have storylines. And I could just be looking forward to watching Alias because I think Michael Vartan is one of the best looking men to grace the face of this planet. Yessire, I could never get sick of looking at him.
As for where I am going with this, I forget. I was just following a childish train of thought. One other thing struck me this afternoon whilst I was at the gym. For the first time ever I saw the woman that runs the beauty parlour downstairs. This isn�t so much a surprise as the fact that she was FAT! Yes, she works in a beauty parlour that is not only associated with but a part of a gym, and she is fat. Please, there are exercise bikes and treadmills outside of her office!
Now I am being judgemental, I just thought that it wasn�t good for business. Then again, neither am I.


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