I'm Still Alive
All right already, so there hasn't been any updates. Stupid people, quit moaning at me. I haven't had the chance to write anything, what with some random smelly internet fuck thinking it would be funny to invade my PC with a virus. Dorito-munching douche bag. Oh, that and Stupid Season, the time of year when I become a hermit and everyone dresses their kids up as Harry Potter and sends them out to...what is it again?...oh, yeah, ACCEPT SWEETS FROM STRANGERS!

What's with that? We spend our lives telling children not to, and then actually send them out round the doors to see who can get the most "stranger-sweets" at Halloween? Ooh, fun, look here, I've got an apple with a razorblade in it...want it...? Stupid fucks.

That and Fireworks Night constitute Stupid Season. What is the fascination with bright things that go 'bang'? They annoy the hell out of me. I read a thing recently about a little dog in my area that got frightened by a firework and ran away from home, and hasn't been seen since. Well done, morons, you've succeeded in being international pet-terrorists. Because that's what it is. It's terrorism against pets. It would be like a Golden Retriever walking into London strapped with a bomb and running around, exploding everywhere. Or something. Get fucked. Updates soon, bitches.
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