Is this site just a Maddox wannabe? No. So why the hell have I had idiots telling me it is? Time for their unsubstantiated claims to be put to bed.

First of all, for those that don't know who Maddox is, here's his website

So far I haven't had any decent evidence to prove that my website is trying to be Maddox-like. Here are the accusations. You can decide for yourself.

-I stole his idea about pirates being cool (see
-I use the same phrases, such as "ruin their shit"
-Occasionally cover same topics.
-Similar font.

Well, I'm sure it'll come as news to most of you that Maddox invented the idea of pirates representing cool. I certainly didn't think he did, and I was fairly certain that others could compare themselves to pirates without being accused of plagiarism. As for ruining someone's shit, that surprised me too. It seems that Maddox is the only person allowed to use these three words in this particular order. Maybe if I had said "shit their ruin" I'd have been okay. But then I'd be talking jibberish.

It's quite funny actually: that if you search for mentions of ruin and shit on the internet, you'll find hundreds of pages with people threatening to ruin someone's 'shit'. Odd that, isn't it?

As for the point of covering the same topics. There have been one or two things we have both touched on. Such as the awesomeness of Army Of Darkness, and how badly Tekken blows - but if anybody thinks I came to these conclusions because of his site, or wrote about them because I wanted to imitate him, then you need to run with scissors very fast until something bad happens. I mean, obviously there's a chance I'll refer to the same topics as the guy once in a while...but then, I could, and do, just as easily refer to things that thousands of others have mentioned before. For instance, I've been swithering over doing a page about a Star Wars themed wedding for an eternity. Originally, I thought it was an awesome idea and was going to do a big page on it...but then a Google search soon revealed that there was loads on the net about that. So I haven't done it yet, because I strive to be as original as possible with my site, albeit I'm sticking to a format that's been done before by many others. I guess what I'm trying to say is, blow me.

So, to the accusers: Get your nose out of his ass. Maddox hates people like you. Yes, I admit, I love his website. Hence why it's at the end of a page of links that is organised in ascending order of hilarity. But I'm sure he realises he didn't start the trend of putting up a webpage with rants. Someone actually went to the bother of sending him a link to this page. What a brown-noser. If Maddox ever becomes a whore, you'll be the first to get a discounted rim job, no doubt about that, fuckass.

I sincerely hope Maddox does read this, and realises I'm so right. And he'll hopefully write a page about idiots like YOU. Then you'll become one of those dicks that e-mails him bitching when after years of bringing you joy and laughter, he writes one article that you don't agree with and you feel the need to vent your PMS all over his inbox. God, I hate people like you. I hope you all die.

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