McDonalds Campaigners
I was reading up on various things to do with McDonalds, and found this really dumb page. I don't even know what the rest of the website is, because I didn't browse around after I read the crap on the page Google referred me to. Looks to me like someone's connected a plank of wood to their PC with a USB cable and thumped their head on it a few hundred times, then passed it off as a personal webpage. This psycho bitch went on a ramble about how evil McDonalds is. She's clearly been in at the medicine cupboard. This is what she had to say - I'm seriously not making this up, here's the website address ...

"Mc Donalds are ruining the rainforests in the world. This means not only are they killing thousands of cattle and chicken everyday, but they are destroying the homes of the wild creatures and animals who innocently live in there. They are destroying these natural and beautiful areas of the world, and it has to be stopped. They Kill the chickens in a really sick and painful way. I don't want to say how, incase i upset people but i think it is dreadful. And i can tell u they use absolutely sick stuff in their chicken/beef burgers/chicken nuggets. They are encouraging people to use cars to drive to their restaurants which is polluting the air around us. There is mcdonalds litter everywhere in the streets. the list goes on and on and on. Mcdonalds are doing all they can to destroy this world, just so they can get more money from us, foolishful citizens of today. They are using and abusing the earth so freely given to us. And what do people get from them?? Greasy burgers with soggy chips. All very fattening. They also have no respect for vegetarians. They normally make their chips in animal oil, not vegetable oil. EVIL MACDONALDS. by christina"

Who does this bitch think she is? Jesus? Ghandi? Che Guevara? Stop leading the revolution, bitch, and eat your fries. Honestly, what's with these jackass anti-McDonalds idiots? McDonalds is generally a crap restaurant, if you can even call it that, so I just don't eat there. Stop droaning on about it though, if you don't like it, then great: Leave the people that do like it to eat their watered down crap-burgers in peace.

"McDonalds are ruining the rainforests in the world"? No, chainsaws are ruining the rainforests. Rainforests suck anyway, why do you care? You don't live there. Why does some idiot American (I'm just guessing, call me crazy) living in a one-bedroomed apartment in Manhattan that sips her Starbucks coffee carefully so that her half-moon spectacles don't fall into the cup care about rainforests hundreds of miles away? Thousands of
people are killed every day, never mind bloody trees. Usually because the governments of the developed world have been messing about with missiles in countries they can't spell, again. And you're worried about trees? Right.

Then she starts babbling about killing animals (yawn) and destroying "wild creatures and animals" (because apparently there's a difference) who "innocently live there". So what? It's alright to kill them if they're not innocent? It's alright to kill them if they dream about under-age animals in naughty sexual positions, or commit grand theft auto? Please, who cares anyway, innocently or not, it's still killing animals unnecessarily. It's not like it matters though, even if people didn't eat meat, a substantial amount of animals are killed every year by the machines used to collect grain and wheat for vegetarian options. So just accept that people/animals die every day, we can try and limit it of course, but bitching about a fast food chain won't change a thing.

"They Kill (sic) the chickens in a really sick and painful way. I don't want to say how, incase (sic) i upset people but i think it is dreadful."

Read: I don't even know shit about the humane way in which animals are raised and killed for meat, so I'll just stab in the dark and bitch about it anyway, because I'm a bleeding heart liberal and it's fun to moan incessantly.

Seriously. What is this bitch on? She can tell us they put "absolutely sick stuff" in their food? Assuming we're not talking about dead animals again, what else is there? Water? Soy? Honestly, Christina, what
do they put in the food? Do you even know? Just shut up already.

Next on her agenda of fascism, we have the classic "They are encouraging people to drive to their restaurants which is polluting the air around us". What the fuck? Yeah, because we all have farms in our back garden where we can just pick the food fresh from the always have to drive to get food, numbnuts, how is McDonalds any different? People have to drive to the supermarket if they don't go to a restaurant. The good thing about McDonalds is they have at least one in every major town or city, so it's not even like people are travelling far. The real issue with pollution is commuting. If only more people cycled to their job, pollution would decrease. I hardly suspect a dip in McDriveThru customers is going to rebuild the hole in the ozone layer anytime soon. And what about the electricity your PC used to allow you to type this bile? I don't hear you bitching about that. Well done, detective. Another crime solved, I don't think.

Should I even go on with this crap? Yes, if only to fully prove how stupid people really are. "There is mcdonalds litter everywhere in the streets", she claims. Well, no, usually I just see regular litter. It's only really the occasional McDonalds rubbish. How is McDonalds litter any different from all the other litter people throw away? Besides, most McDonalds are in urban areas, so it's not like it's damaging your precious environment...merely making the city look scruffy. Also, the vermin and rodents will soon eat the litter you throw away. Don't like it, go throw your litter in the rural areas and attract the rats back to where they belong. Better yet, just throw your litter regardless, and stop bitching about McDonalds and their evil campaign to fill the world with empty McChicken Sandwich wrappers, or whatever the hell it is you're twisting your tits about.

Hey, stuck for arguments, Christina? Why not make up words, you foolishful girl? What the hell? Foolishful? Sorry to burst your bubble, moron, but it's not a word. And what's this crap you're blabbering about McDonalds "using and abusing the earth so freely given to us"? Freely given to us? Eh? What are you, a dinosaur? You weren't there, how do you know how the earth started? No one
gave it to us. Mankind probably took it for ourselves, because we fucking rule. Fuck your free giving shit, this earth isn't exclusively yours anyway. Who are you to say we own the earth? Humans aren't any better than the other millions upon milions of species living in the world, quit hogging it asshole.

As for the "no respect for vegetarians" nonsense...McDonalds is famous for its burgers, not its lettuce-in-a-bun. Vegetarians should be grateful that McDonalds is trying to make them feel welcome. Don't like what's on offer? Then kick up a fuss. Oh wait, you don't have the energy required for that. I forgot lack of meat does that to you.

Anyway, I'm bored of this shit now. My point was, quit bitching about McDonalds already. It's become really trendy to knock McDonalds. So the food sucks, big deal, just DON'T EAT AT MCDONALDS, it's really simple. I don't like McDonalds either, but I don't like a lot of things...usually, I end up bitching about them on here. But I don't force my crap down people's throat with hyperbole and over-exaggerated bullshit about how the world is being destroyed by things I don't like. The world is fucked anyway, if you want to save it, good, but leave McDonalds to produce their crap that they pass off as food and join a political party. Dickheads, all of you. You're all dickheads.

Man, I really fucking hate people.
Note: Images will be added soon.
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