
Now that I am your confidante,
the ear that speaks advice,
I really treasure what we have,
although I've paid a price
that I would rather not have paid,
that almost broke my heart,
for, having dated for some weeks,
you broke our bond apart.

I couldn't come to terms with it
-- I thought we were the same.
I guess my passion smothered you.
You never felt the flame
that coursed throughout me every day
when with you, when alone.
It took me months to recollect,
I felt cut to the bone.

But now that we've become so close,
that we share all our dreams,
and are each other's closest friends,
you've told me of your schemes
of flirting with the men you meet,
of toying, just for fun,
and now, when I recall our fling,
I'm greatful that it's done.

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