Start That Move Today

Your affair collapsed last night, you say,
you're the victim, you're in tears,
everything you see is colored grey,
you think you'll stay like this for years.
But sometime soon you'll move right on, I know
you'll see brightness between the clouds,
so since you'll move on sometime anyway,
why not start that move today?
Will you stay destroyed and in her grip,
always pining for her call?
Will you make your home here in this dip,
your body chained tight to the wall?
For sometime soon, you'll start forgetting her,
bit by bit she'll fade away,
so since you'll move on sometime anyway,
why not start that move today?

Recollect the ones you knew before,
the ones who once were life itself,
the ones who night and day you would adore,
now they've the power of an elf!
So sometime soon this one will also shrink,
and you'll wonder about it all,
so since you'll move on sometime anyway,
why not start that move today?
The way things are, you're simply giving her
far more power than she deserves,
perhaps you should just start forgiving her,
instead of getting on her nerves.
The charming guy that she first fell for,
you will be that strong again,
so since you'll move on sometime anyway,
why not start that move today?

Don't get caught within that cycle
where you're thinking of what's done,
while she's dating Dan, Tom, Michael,
Henry, Peter, and his son.
No, don't think of reuniting,
and don't think of what could be,
for sometime soon you'll move on anyway,
so why not start that move today?
Out there are much better people
than the ones you've had before,
you could pile them to a steeple,
and even then you could find more.
Yes, I know that now it's over,
she was a star within your night,
but could she be a supernova,
that's born to just flare and then ignite?

In 1812 there were 2 billion
broken hearts, or maybe more,
and even if only 2 million,
you don't hear of those no more.
All the things you loved about her,
her gentle smile, her hug, her wink,
you've forgotten how there, too, were
a lot of things that made you think.
You've forgotten how she nagged you,
and remember her cold glare,
sometime soon you'll move on anyway,
why not start that move today?
You've sneaked a peak into her diary,
and you've seen how mean she is,
how she smirked when you'd get angry,
how your passion sometimes fizzed.

Yes, you've seen it all recorded,
with great smileys, underlined,
hay, but you'll move on sometime anyway,
so why not start that move today?
Tear the clothes she made you purchase,
throw those health foods in the trash,
donate those self-help books to churches,
burn her snapshot to an ash!
There's no way that she deserved you,
you're fantastic, don't forget,
she quite clearly didn't know you,
she was stupid, is my bet.
You just think that this was Real Love,
give it time, you'll see you're wrong,
so since you'll move on sometime anyway,
why not start that move today?

Yes, I'm sure she's with her friends now,
laughing of the things you lack,
yes, they're talking about, when, how
you knelt and cried and begged her back.
She's in power. You're the loser.
That's the way things are right now.
But since you'll move on sometime anyway,
why not start that move today?
Just accept you'll be a footnote,
one of many in her book.
But let me tell you you've got my vote.
Being there is all it took.
In her life you'll be a giggle,
in your own, she'll be a cut,
but, sometime soon you'll move on anyway,
so why not start that move today?

Try to use that pain, that anguish,
try to step back, just a bit,
try and use it, just don't languish,
build a poem from that shit.
Since one day this pain will vanish,
try and use it while it's real,
for sometime soon you'll move on anyway,
so why not start that move today?
Yes it's hard right now, we've been there,
more than once for most of us,
and we know you'll move on anyway,
so why not start that move today?
We all know you'll move on anyway,
so why not start that move today?
Sometime soon you'll move on anyway,
so why not start that move today?

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