Steep Planet

When last I looked this planet wasn't as steep as it is now. It keeps tilting more and more. The angle is reaching bizarre degrees. Yesterday I might've slipped right off if it wasn't for that girl whose long hair I grabbed onto as I plummeted towards the edge. She was quite miffed, I can tell you. You'd think that saving someone's life would give your day that little bit of an edge, but no.

Still, it's true that I'd dragged a whole bunch of dirt down with me and now it and I were tangled up in her hair. It could've been worse, I told her, but then couldn't give any examples and then proceeded to point out to her that if her hand slipped from the branch of the tree that she was clinging on to, both she and I, as well as the assorted things I had brought with me, would continue to plummet onwards and did she really want to count on the possibility of someone else being further down with even longer hair than her to which we could cling? It was a convincing argument, apparently, because she stopped biting me in the face.

Despite this we became friends, although the strangeness of our initial encounter hung over us like a large black shadow which was a frequent reminder of the perilousness of our existence, what with this planet growing increasingly steep and all.

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