In my head

The circles of my musings,
the bars wherein I bounce,
are known to me myself alone,
all else I here denounce.

I am the captive of my mind,
enchained within its orb,
I am imprisoned in my head,
and in its walls absorb.

My feet walk on my pavement,
cemented in my skull,
its cracks let memories seep through,
whose sharpness has grown dull.

My hands grope onward blindly,
for in my head its dark,
my lightbulb dangles loose and limp,
without the faintest spark.

I can't connect to others,
for they're not in my head,
they don't exist within this mist,
so probably are dead.

I'm building as I'm musing
but know there'll be a day
when all my borders have been reached
and screams will merge with gray.

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