Wild horses

Now, ten years on, they canter through my heart
Wild, proud, playful, they nod their heads at me
No longer known to hope and fantasy,
They wait in shadows for the night to start.

And when the moon casts coldness on the earth
They reappear, invading thoughts afresh
Then, gradually, as past and present mesh,
Vain hope awakes, in sleep it finds rebirth.

Prancing with shadows, playing with a dream
Wild horses thunder their beauty and their pride,
Their manes afire, their polished hooves then glide
Past my vain hope which none can now redeem.

And when the moon gives way to bright white star
Poor vain hope sees wild horses gallop on
Then they are naught, their memory is gone,
Waiting in shadows, snorting from afar.

Yet, I know too that when ten years were none,
The chase was all, to catch was as to kill;
Just being near, just that my heart did thrill,
Had they been tamed, my fantasy were done.

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