Military background and a Power Ring, talk about your dangerous combinations. He's a straight
shooter but probably one of the most lenient and laid back of the League. While he'll take no crap
from evil villains, he's one of the first to offer forgiveness. And he's one of the only ones who knows
how to take Flash in stride offically making them the odd couple.

"I'll make a laser cannon! No, a missile launcher! Oh-Oh, I know!" -- Green Lantern "Kid's Stuff"


Identity: John Stewart
Birthday: October 17
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 201
Eye Color: Brown (naturally) & Green (Powered Up)
Hair Color: Black
Home Town: Detroit
Relatives: John's family is dead, his grandfather murdered, his mother from cancer, and he then
moved in with his Aunt Loretta. His father died in the mean-time. At one point he dated
Katma Tui, another member of the Green Lanterns. He then enters a relationship with Shayera Hol,
Powers: Possesses the most powerful weapon in the universe, a Green Lantern Power Ring. The
ring can create light structures of anything Lantern imagines. The ring must be recharged every 24
hours, and has a weakness against the color yellow.
Origins: The Green Lanterns are an intergalactic police force for the entire universe. The Green
Lanterns are governed by The Guardians, a small diminuitive race of blue aliens. Each Green
Lantern is given a Power Ring that grants him near unlimited power, and assigned a sector to
protect. John Stewart is the Green Lantern of Sector 2814, Earth.

John was placed on the team rather than other Green Lanterns because of his ethnic diversities.
Honestly, I hadn't noticed. He also serves as a stoic soldier in the team dynamic making an
interesting contrast to Flash's prankster nature.


According to the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment, Green Lantern is an ESFJ. That means
he's 1% Extroverted, 11% Sensing, 67% Feeling, and 78% Judging. Extroverts tend to focus on
the outer world of people and things. Sensing people tend to focus on the present and concrete
information. Feeling people tend to base decisions on values and concerns. Judging people like a
planned and organized approach.

ESFJs make up 28% of the population (A huge part of the population considering there's only 16

According to Joe Butt's report:
"...[ESFJs] see problems clearly and delegate easily, work hard...ESFJs...bear a strong allegiance
to rights of seniority. They willingly provide service (which embodies life's meaning) and expect the
same from others. ESFJs are easily wounded. And when wounded, their emotions will not be
contained. Strong, contradictory forces consume the ESFJ. Their sense of right and wrong wrestles
with an overwhelming rescuing, 'mothering' drive. This sometimes results in a swift, immediate action
taken upon a transgressor, followed by stern reprimand; ultimately, however the prodigal is wrested
from the gallows of their folly, just as the noose tightens and all hope is lost, by the very executioner!
The world is a dangerous place, not to be trusted. Not that the ESFJ is paranoid; 'hyper-vigilant'
would be more precise. And thus serve excellently as protectors..."


If you think that GL sounds familiar, well, you're probably not wrong. Not only is he the voice of
John Stewart, but Phil LaMarr has done work for Tony Hawk's Underground 2, Jak II, the
Animatrix (Duo), Ozzy & Drix (t.v. series) (as Ozzy), Samurai Jack (as Jack), Proud Family,
Futurama, Grim & Evil (as Evil Con Carne), Power Puff Girls, Static Shock (Virgil/Static) and
Shark Tale, and has been in the backgrounds of Spider-Man 2 and Terminator 3, worked on
MadTV (from '95-00), and in the films Pulp Fiction (as Marvin), and Star Wars: Knights of the
Old Republic
(as Gadon Thek). He's been around the block a few times I think.


Back to the Watch Tower...

Check out the Green Lantern backgrounds I've made...

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