Beautiful and dangerous, just the way all female warriors ought to be. You just don't
expect some broad to walk up and kick ass, now do you? Didn't think so.

"And what's wrong with the way I dress?!"
"Uh, do you want to take that?"

-- Wonder Woman and Flash "Eclipsed"


Identity: Princess Diana
Birthday: March 22
Height: 6'
Weight: 165
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Home Island: Themyscira
Relatives: Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons is her mother.
Powers: Superhuman strength and speed. Flight. Her magic lasso is unbreakable and
forces its captive to speak the truth. Her bracelets deflect bullets.
Origins: Wonder Woman, an Amazon princess, was born out of clay and given the
powers of the gods. Raised on the island of Themyscira with her other Amazon sisters,
Wonder Woman is often shocked at the way things are in the outside world. She
decides to leave the island when alien invaders threatened to conquer the Earth. Since
then she has remained in Man's world as an active member of the League.


According to the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment, Wonder Woman is an ESFP.
That means she's 89% Extroverted, 67% Sensing, 56% Feeling, and 22% Perceiving.
Extroverts are outspoken (with her set of lungs? No...really?) and look outside themselves
for answers. Sensing means that she focuses more on the here and now instead of the
future. Feeling means that she bases her decisions on her personal set of values rather than
her logic. And Perception means that she is spontaneous and flexible in her approach to

ESFPs make up 10% of the population.

According to Joe Butt's personality assessment:
"'Where's the party?' (Remember Maid of Honor?) ESFPs love people, excitement...and
having fun. ESFPs are attracted to new ideas, new fashions, new gadgets, new [anything].
This type seems most successful in deducing patterns and seeing connections only after a
thorough examination of the facts (which process appears quite unorganized and haphazard
to non-SPs).

From another report:
"ESFPs prefer active jobs...Outstanding in public relations, they love working with people.
...they are good at working with people in crisis, a facility often leads ESFPs into social

From yet another report:
"...[ESFPs are] subject to what Karl Buehler calls 'function lust'; a hunger for action without
fetter or constraint, an exploratory action with the necessity for rules nor practice. The
[ESFP] thrives on situations where the outcome is not known, where there is freedom to
test the limits. ...the [ESFP] works best in crises, and the deeper the crisis, the more apt she
is to respond quickly and dramatically.


Not only is she the voice of this tough lady, but Susan Eisenberg has done voicings for
Jak II & III, and Jackie Chan Adventures (as Viper), and even a guest voicing on the
Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon.


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Check out the Wonder Woman background I've made...

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