Islands in the streams... confluences... that we are,
we meet at times, flow together, touch and get touched by each other,
and part ways.
But in each of these meetings, we take away a part of the othe
and leave a part of ourselves with the other
... for the others....

nitin - 08/25/00 11:56:28
My Email:[email protected]
great poems !

Gayatri Krishnamurthy - 07/04/00 12:03:07
My Email:[email protected]

Having known Geeta, I cannot imagine anyone who could meet her and not react . I reacted very positively and I spent many afternoon (AWOL from CMC) eating Parathas and watching Bitti plant tiny seeds into the yard around their Khairatabad house. Geeta will continue to touch many people with her hand which to mere naked eyes is considered invisible.


Dada - 06/21/00 02:59:06
My Email:[email protected]

Kyaa likhoon?...

Asmita - 07/24/99 05:37:01
My Email:[email protected]

It was a very touching site. I will fail words if I try to say more.Although I hardly ever spoke to Mam, yourself and she were so much a part of XLRI.

Roshen Chandran - 07/22/99 15:07:15
My Email:[email protected]

I was in XL when Geeta passed away and still recollect the day vividly. The tribute is very touching.

Rajeev Das - 07/22/99 08:48:52
My Email:[email protected]

One of the first persons I met at XL was GSax when she was on the other side of the admissions' interview panel at Jampot...wish i could've known her a bit better in the following couple of years I was there...this site triggers the nostalgia in me... ouching...

Lokendra Sethi - 07/22/99 06:35:26
My Email:[email protected]

It was wonderful to visit your website.. it's also nice to place Bitti's face when i was reading thru the website..
Keep it up.. Shall send u some jokes..

Love.. Lokendra.. XL'98

pronob - 01/23/99 03:11:34
My Email:[email protected]

...the old and rich memory with geeta ,... again I feel the loss of one of my great friends.
Thank you for the wonderful page you have made.

George Joseph - 01/18/99 10:30:25
My Email:[email protected]

Dear sir,
I think this is a wonderful way of reaching out ma'am's experiences and thoughts to all those she has managed to touch in her years. In as much as we all miss her, my heart goes out to you as you are in the eye of the storm. may god give you the strength.
george (XL IR '95)

Tipu - 01/15/99 23:43:33
My Email:[email protected]

By some coincidence, I spent the evening of the day GSax left us exactly a year previously with MadShuks at his residence in XL. As I was about to leave, he told me that the 'site' was complete. I first saw the site some six months back when Madhukar howed it to me with all the pride & excitement of a kid...
It is worth the wait.

Rajesh S - 01/12/99 14:24:23
My Email:[email protected]

The first time I had visited this site, it was curiosity.. never did I quite understand the magnetism of words...the power of poems
I have been on this site for the last 6 hours... with each passing moment.. minute... I am no more reading a poem, a short story, a collection or an incident...
I am getting to understand LIFE .. its bitter realities.. through the eyes of death..the memories..the ironies...
This is a learning in itself... Geeta ma'am.. thanks a lot... you are opening my eyes...

Rajesh S - 01/12/99 07:06:12
My Email:[email protected]

I have never met Geeta Ma'am. Heard a lot from seniors. It is one year today, and I still feel feel there is some bonding between her and me, an unfinished agenda... feel she were here with us. It is moving to go through ma'am's is heavy an ... and sir your writing on 'death' has dawned on me the reality of life 'for which we all live for'. An excellent site sir...

Vijayalakshmi - 01/11/99 14:24:05
My Email:[email protected]

It's a year doesn't seem so long...she still seems so alive in a way. I miss her...miss talking to her...running to her with my problems...feeling with her. I never really ever told her how much I looked up to her, loved her and learn't fr m her in the short time that I knew her.Short as the time was,I am glad I meet her and knew her. Ma'am, you will be always be a part of my life, as will Sir and Bitti be. Loved U lots,Viji

A. Aruna BMD Class of 95 - 01/11/99 13:52:34
My Email:[email protected]

I found the "joint script" very uncanny...These pages brought Dr. Saxena closer to me...the poems exhibit remarkable sensitivity. May her soul rest in peace.
Ma'am, we will always remember you.

Bhavana Issar, Class of 96 - 01/11/99 13:14:50
My Email:[email protected]

It has taken me a year to finally sit down and pen my thoughts on this beautiful page.... The way you made me feel special and different is something I cherish and miss. But then whoever I met and spoke to about her, seemed to feel the same!! During X and much after that I miss turning over my worries to you ma'am.... I miss having you around.... talking to you about my woes, my career, my studies, my relationships, my feminity, myself... everything.
Even today, exactly one year after you left us, I cannot help feel special that you chose my birthday - I feel a special connection.... and I am glad you are a part of my life & so are Madhukar sir and Manasi.
> With fond memories.....

Matangi - 11/21/98 09:30:06
My Email:[email protected]

Geeta touched my life - without letting me realise - in a very special way.She was very clinical in her insights yet so humane and I guess that made her a wonderful person to know. Her energy, passion and sense of humor is something I shall always remember with fondness.
I am glad I knew Geeta and learnt so much under her.

Joseph P. Thomas - 10/28/98 18:50:22
My Email:[email protected]

She was always there at XLRI-Jamshedpur to listen to people. Those who were missing their homes and families, those who were having a tough time adjusting, those who were having problems with relationships. And most of all those who just wanted to be listened to. With her gone, it's not her voice alone that won't be heard at XLRI-Jamshedpur, but the voices of many people who were able to speak to her, in the knowledge that someone cared.

Cindy - 10/01/98 04:23:22

My Email:[email protected]

Nice page.... Thanks, Cindy

LATHA P C - 08/26/98 11:51:04
My Email:[email protected]

Dear Madhukar,
Heard about Geetha through a very close friend who matters a great deal to me.
As much as a part of us dies when someone close to us dies, one also lives through the loved ones left behind.
It is a very touching and beautiful site and if each of us could touch and fuse with someone else's life, as Geetha's did/does with yours, we will be blessed.
Looking foward to knowing more about Geetha and more of you too. Let God be with you! Love

Syed Azfar Hussain - 08/05/98 23:36:15
My Email:[email protected]

I think creating a homepage for Maam is a great idea. Let me know if I can be of any help in this endeavour. I didn't know she wrote poetry. Reading Death was more like feeling with it, for the images it evokes are so tangible that one can near y experience them.

Yawar Baig - 08/01/98 16:57:38
My Email:[email protected]

My friend and brother......sometimes I think why I have always felt so close to you and Geeta even though we did not meet that often. I guess closeness is more than physical proximity or the frequency of meetings. This page is a wonderful idea. I look forward to visiting it often and reading what Geeta wr te and what you are now writing.
With love and every good wish for you.

Shirish - 06/26/98 12:55:10
My Email:[email protected]

Very beautiful site, very touching

DIYA KAPUR - 06/22/98 09:15:28
My Email:[email protected]

Although I barely knew Geeta ma'am, I somehow feel a sort of connection with her and your family. Its really beautiful reading her poems and all your memories of her. I don't know if you realise how much respect and admiration both you and ma'm have inspired in the hearts and minds of so many of us. Wishing you the very best always.

Nandini,Jojo, Feni & Abhijit - 05/28/98 17:38:35
My Email:[email protected]

Limericks... asterix comix ... endless chai...tortillas... laughter... long chats ... short hellos ... many dinners... ISABS and Date... loving the world and hating it again -- just in time... joys of parenting ... kids are so bloody painful - pecialy our... if only... discoveries ... shock ... disbelief ... numbness... WHY! WHY! WHY!! Could we start again??

Karishma Pais - 05/16/98 11:37:10
My Email:[email protected]

GSAX & Mad Shuks were my faculty guides for the year 1997-98. When I entered XL i heard that Gsax was quite ill. I did not want to be a burden on them, & so i never went to their house to meet them. Now i sometimes regret doing this, i wish i had gone to eet her. But bygones are bygones, lost opportunities never present themselves again. All i can say is "May her soul rest in peace"

Anuradha Kumar - 05/13/98 04:53:37
My Email:[email protected]

There are so many things I realise I never knew about her; the poems that are so very expressive and haunting. The pages are beautiful, Geeta still inspires me even more - to step out of the mind's narrow concrns. I cant thank you enough, sir

Gautam Ghosh - 05/12/98 04:56:23
My Email:[email protected]

I only had seen Dr.Saxena once or twice and only heard about her from our seniors. But going through these poems has given me an insight into what she really was apart from a great faculty and a compassionate human being.
Gautam IR '99

Vijayalakshmi - 05/07/98 14:32:06
My Email:[email protected]

This home page is moving..inspiring like Geeta's life.Hoping to see the completed version soon. Love,

Calvin - 05/07/98 14:28:45
My Email:[email protected]

I never knew her but I know she touched the hearts of all those senior students who finished off from XL, those who were taught by her and those who were acquainted with her.

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