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15th March 2007
Many of you have almost completed your Baden-Powell challenges so keep it up. All the effort, planning and organisation will pay off!! Remember its Mothers Day on Sunday!! So treat your mothers to something special.
12th March 2007
Today there as an International evening. Thank you to every one who brought in food from different countires to share. Well done to Kenza and Zahra and Janae who dressed up in clothes from other cultures!! The evening was a success finishing with making friendship bracelets. Awww.
Keep fundraising for the trip to Mexico.!!
Well done to Georgina Rhiannon and Abigail for raising money at the jumble sale! approximately �60 was raised!! Excellent!!
9th March 2007
Sorry for not updating the site in a while. Well done to Rhiannon and Abigail for recieving Jack Petchy awards.
As you all know Georgina has been selected as one of few to go to Mexico in July along with other Guides in other boroughs. Well done to everyone for helping to make the cakes that Helen sold at the Cake sale!!  Alot of money was raised!! So Well done.
26th October 2006
Remember to bring things in for the Link Romania Family Shoebox Appeal. Can be anything from hair accessories to toys. Second hand goods , chocolate money perfume out of date items, medicinal products, food of any kind animal products are not permitted.
We hope you are all having a great half term. Have a happy Halloween. Muahahahahaaahahaaahahaaa.. Lol..
19th September 2006
Serenity and Zahra are now handling the website. And we would both like to say thank you to Gemma for being so great. We will all miss you very much.
There will be a sleepover at the W.A.F.F.L.E. Camp site on 23rd September. If you are not able to go please call Annette on her mobile.

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