Thanks for stopping by!

dan - 01/27/00 21:49:48
Favorite Drink: strong

i dont have a homepage yet see ya dan

10/02/99 09:21:30
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nizzawebsite. Dank f�r das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen

Jospeh Reynolds - 09/20/99 00:00:37
My Email:[email protected]
Graduating Class: 98
Favorite Drink: liquid
Mother's Maiden Name (hehehe): asldkfjsldakfjsldkfjsdl;jf

I graduated happily and never wanted to come back again. I hated school in general but loved KHS, and think it is a great school. But I still hated going to school. Hope everyone has fun, and anybody who knows me, wants to write me, go right ahead.

mike - 09/16/99 07:19:48
My Email:[email protected]
Graduating Class: 99
Favorite Drink: pop flavored iced water


Pebbles or Pebz - 08/12/99 04:25:23
My Email:[email protected]
Graduating Class: 1981
Favorite Drink: Sex on the Beach
Mother's Maiden Name (hehehe): Ya Bettah be good to me datah!

Well, you wiped out my guestbook while working on yours, and you wiped out yours too, but since I luvz ya, Iz forgivez ya. Hugzzzzzzz & kissezzzzz from me, your WIFE!

Brenda BigEagle - 08/09/99 07:14:39
My Email:[email protected]
Graduating Class: 1987
Favorite Drink: 20 oz snowy Mt. Ashland

Hey, where is everyone! I hope more people stop in and sign the guestbook, I would love to know what everyone is up to. For me, living in Southern Oregon (out of the rain) and raising my three boys and a daughter. I just graduated from the University h re, so who knows where I will be in the next six months. Bye for now. Brenda

Gemstoned - 05/31/99 19:50:51
My Email:[email protected]
Graduating Class: '82
Favorite Drink: Liquids....
Mother's Maiden Name (hehehe): Phunnygal

......Guess we'll see how it goes....*S*

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