ETHICS HOME PAGE                             SLC HOME                                     HELP


Ethics and Ethical Decision Making &

Ethics in the Health Sciences


At First Glance:

This is the Home Page for Gene024, Bioethics, a second semester course in the School of Health Sciences at St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Canada.  The sites have been selected, annotated and maintained here by Al Parkin, Professor, Applied Arts.  Please contact me with questions, additional key links or site problems.  Thanks. 

Phone:    (613) 544-5532, extension 1139

Email:    [email protected]

This page and subsequent links are presented as a one-stop resource for students of Gene024, Bioethics.  The course is offered at St. Lawrence College in the Winter semester to students in the combined Health Science classes of Veterinary Technology, Biotechnology and Medical Laboratory Technology. Applied versions of an ethics course are also offered; they will have different course codes so do check the college calendar for more information.

Material is presented under the following broad topic headings. I will make efforts to annotate the links as clearly as possible. The content of this page will be updated or edited occasionally, so please check regularly and make note of the date of last revision.

Although there is clearly a significant philosophical underpinning to any study of Ethics, the focus of this site is on application rather than theory.  Links to theories and individuals are limited to ones which seem of immediate use in getting the average student in the identified programs “up and running” and able to emerge with an articulated stance on his or her own ethical practice.

  I hope this site will facilitate students in Gene024 in meeting the objectives of the course and confronting issues and successful processes which will remain close to the surface for the decision making situations ahead.

  The divisions and headings used for this Web are both general and specific:

 1.    What is Ethics & Ethical Decision Making

2.    Background: Theory and Theorists

3.    General Links to Ethical Sites, Organizations, Institutions, Publications

4.    Ethics in Health and Science (general)

5.    Ethical Issues for Veterinary Technology

6.    Ethical Issues for Medical Laboratory Technology

7.    Ethical Issues for Biotechnology

8.    Uncategorized links  

9.    Articles and Ethical News Items


Using the Web for your research:

            A further note on usage: do “browse around” the links provided here.  There is a great deal of overlap on topics of ethical relevance so you may find the material you wish in more than one category.

Please let me know of any suggestions for additions or improvements.


Al Parkin


Are you a rookie Internet user?  You should know that text which shows in BLUE  (or sometimes RED) and is underlined will lead you to the source of a suggested link.  Your cursor changes to a "hand" and you just click to begin the action. You can return to this Ethics Home Page by  using the “back” arrow in your Internet menu bar.  Where appropriate or meaningful (both are my choice right now) I have added buttons which will return you to this page (Ethics Home Page) or allow you to return to the top of a lengthy section on the page which you are exploring. If you have technological questions AND you have an email account, you can contact me at [email protected] You can also telephone me at St. Lawrence College (613-544-5532) and leave a message for me at extension 1139.  

                                                                This page was last updated on 04/13/03





                                                  ETHICS HOME PAGE                                 SLC HOME                                      HELP


PLEASE NOTE: These pages are always going to be under review and revision. They have been assembled for the use of students in Gen024, Medical Ethics.  The course is offered at St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Canada.  For further information on this course or to report problems with this page, please contact [email protected]



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