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Drug companies fight South African government over law
WebPosted Mon Mar 5 13:11:22 2001

PRETORIA-- The South African government faces off in court against 42 drug companies for a law it hopes will help fight the HIV-AIDS epidemic.

The companies are challenging the Medicines Act, which allows the minister of health to override patent rights to provide cheaper medicines. The law also encourages the use of generic equivalents.


Pretoria high court

"It appears to give the minister of health unfettered discretion to simply abrogate any one or all of our patents," said Marryena Deeb, chief executive of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association.

The act applies to all drugs, but the AIDS epidemic is of particular concern to the government.

Dr Ayanda Ntsaluba, the director general of the Department of Health, says the government needs much lower drug prices to tackle the epidemic effectively.

"What the South African government has been talking about is to get sustainable prices so that we can be able to provide through the public health system," he said.

South Africa has come under fire from many quarters for failing to act decisively against HIV-AIDS. President Thabo Mbeki has been pilloried in the past for suggesting HIV may not cause AIDS.

But this time, AIDS activists are on the government's side. Trade unions and non-government organizations have organized demonstrations in support of the government for this week's hearing at the Pretoria High Court.



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