Star Wars Phreak

The Sith Attack

               Then Gen-rei Kenobi jumped. He split his lightstaff into two lightsabers, blocking the double attack coming from Darth Typhon and Darth Eris. He turned around to see Amora Lukatan being attacked by an Alderaanian black tiger. She swung her lightsaber and sliced the tiger in half. She stood up and blocked a hit from Darth Venom�s lightsaber.
               As the battle raged on Darth Typhon used his force fire to create a ring of fire around Gen-rei and Amora. The five Darths all walked through the fire and surrounded the Jedi.
               �You will surrender,� a voice spoke in Gen-rei�s head. He knew it wasn�t any of the five Sith who surrounded him. It was the wheelchair-bound Darth who was at the senate meeting.
               Gen-rei looked at his combatants. Darth Typhon, the scaly skinned Darth that started the fire. Darth Echidna, the female Twi�lek with superior control over any animal. Darth Venom, the male Twi�lek with a Mandalorian armor that rivals Kara Fett�s. Darth Eris, the insane Sith with a knack for killing. And lastly Darth Havoc, the only person there that Gen-rei knew before he turned to the Dark Side.
               As the Darths walked closer, Gen-rei turned to Amora. �Any bright ideas?� he asked his wife.
               �Not yet,� she answered. �You?�
               �Working on it,� he answered. He ignited his lightstaff, which gave an odd purple glow on his face. He studied this carefully. He knew his lightstaff only glowed purple when he was teaching at the academy or, at rare times, when he was suppose to learn something himself.
               Darth Venom and Darth Typhon both attacked Amora, as Darth Echidna, Darth Eris and Darth Havoc all attacked Gen-rei. Gen-rei blocked the first couple of attacks without any injury but after that he found it tougher to block some of the Darth attacks.
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