Star Wars Phreak

ANAKIN- Master, sir...I've been wondering...what are midi-chlorians?
QUI-GON- Midi-chlorians are a microcopic lifeform that reside within all living cells and communicates with the Force.
ANAKIN- They live inside of me?
QUI-GON-In your cells. We are symbionts with the midi-chlorians.
ANAKIN- Symbionts?
QUI-GON- Life forms living together for mutual advantage. Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to you, telling you the will of the Force.
ANAKIN-They do??
QUI-GON- When you learn to quiet your mind you will hear them speaking to you.
ANAKIN- I don't understand.
QUI-GON- With time and training, will.

As Jedi Master Qui-gon Ginn explained In Episode I, Midi-chlorians connect people to the force. All living things have a Midi-chlorian count. Here is a list of some of the more Famous Jedi and Sith and what their Midi-chlorian count would be.
I have heard that many Star Wars fans didn�t like the whole Midi-chlorian thing, and that�s why George Lucas didn�t put them in Episode II. I�m not sure if you like them or not but this is a list that you need to see.

Midichlorian Count List for the major Star Wars characters

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader = 27,700
Darth Sidious/Palpatine (with Kyber Crystal) = 20,500
Yoda = 17,700
Luke Skywalker = 14,500
Leia Organa Solo = 14,500
Ben (Jhon) Skywalker = 13,700
Anakin Solo (New Jedi Order novels) = 13,700
Count Dooku/Tyranus = 13,500
Obi-Wan Kenobi = 13,400
Kyle Katarn = 12,200
Mace Windu = 12,000
Darth Maul = 12,000
General Grievous (New Episode 3 Villain) = 11,900
Kit Fisto = 11,800
Yaddle = 11,300
Plo Koon = 11,100
Mara Jade = 11,000
Darth Malak (Knights of the Old Republic video game) = 10,800
Ki Adi Mundu = 10,600
Darth Bane = 10,500
Joruus C'baoth = 10,350
Shaak Ti = 10,300
Darth Revan = 10,200 (Knights of the Old Republic video game)
Aalya Secura = 10,000
Qui-Gon Jinn = 10,000
Average Jedi = 10,000
Jacen Solo (New Jedi Order novels) = 9,000
Jaina Solo (New Jedi Order novels) = 9,000
Chewbacca = 7,200
Aurra Sing = 7,000
Need To be Considered for Training as a Jedi = 7,000
Padme Amidala = 4,700
Beru Lars = 3,700
Shmi = 3,300
Lando Calsarrian = 3,300
Boba Fett= 1,500
Han Solo = 1,500
Jango Fett = 1,500
Owen Lars = 1,500

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