Afternoon Off


At last! You have a chance to take an afternoon off from your ever-busy film and promotion schedule to do whatever suits your fancy! So what will it be? Shopping for a new gown to wear to that upcoming gala? Consulting with the florist to fill your home with custom arrangements? Perhaps a test-drive of that darling little silver roadster with the red-leather interior?

Gene has done all these things, as genuine stars do...but she is determined that this afternoon off will be different. She manages to slip away to a local grocery store, incognito, to pick out the ingredients for homemade vegetable soup, a favorite from her childhood. Then later, when the pot is simmering and the aroma of home cooking fills her home, she relaxes in a favorite easy chair and flips through a fan magazine in which she is prominently featured. Oh, my...just when she thinks she�s read it all...can you believe what they�ve gone and written about her now?

For her short trip into town and the relaxing hours that follow, Gene wears a simple, multi-checked skirt and a flared-cut, matching, grey flannel jacket. Her classic ivory sweater has beading at the neckline. Grey �suede� shoes with stylish ankle straps complete this well-tailored outfit. The exciting �expos�s� in the fan magazine really do make Gene smile in spite of herself...because after all, that�s Hollywood!


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