Madra's Story

The Story Of Madra

Even when she was a kid in Milwaukee during WWI, Mabel Lorkovic knew a thing or three: that she loved the "flickers" and wanted to be a part of them, that she wanted to be famous -- and that she was going to have to work hard to get her heart's desire.

Leaving the west coast of Lake Michigan for the West Coast took a lot of moxie, but Mabel was up to it. And somewhere between the pines of Wisconsin and the palms of California, Madra Lord was born.

The road to stardom was uphill, but Madra was ready for the climb. She knew what she wanted, and was going to take it, no holds barred.

She began as an extra in silent films -- the "flickers" she had spent hours watching. And with the advent of "talkies" and color, Madra's distinctive husky voice and vivid beauty made her a natural for stardom, revered for her talent -- and feared for a temper that made studio heads cringe, gave directors ulcers and provided endless delight to her fans.

For many years, Madra Lord reigned as a queen of Hollywood. But into every queen's realm comes a princess; a shining light that can bring out the queen's jealous nature -- so talented newcomers better beware!


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