Welcome to Linda's Genealogy Web Pages!

Click on these links to visit my personal web pages

"101+ Fun Family History Activities for Kids" currently contains over 200 fun and interesting genealogy related activities for children, youth and families. I welcome new ideas and comments.

This site lists suggestions for BSA Eagle Scout service projects involving family and local history. Some of these may be suitable for the Girl Scout Silver or Gold Award.

This link takes you to family history related project suggestions for the LDS Young Women Personal Progress program.

I post my genealogical data online at the site. I chose rootsweb because I like having the ability to easily update my data by uploading a new file to overwrite my previous one. You can view my Mahood ancestry and my Woltering ancestry by clicking on these links to my files. Note that files uploaded to rootsweb will also be displayed on, which owns rootsweb.

A few years ago a friend introduced me to the poem We Are Seven by William Wordsworth. This beautiful poem continues to inspire me as I search for my ancestors. They will always be my family.

Thinking about sending a Christmas newsletter but need some ideas? How about a comic strip, super market tabloid, wanted poster or reading primer? Or maybe a board game or updated Christmas Carol? Our family always sends creative and fun Christmas newsletters to our scattered friends and family during the holiday season. These newsletters are a condensed version of our family's history. Click on this link to view nearly 20 years of our family's Chrismas newsletters.

This link takes you to my list of over 101 useful words for writers who suffer from the overuse of "said" and "asked." Though it's not a true genealogy page, these words may come in handy while you're writing your family or personal history.

My Turkey Carol Page has absolutely nothing to do with genealogy - unless you rationalize that since you might sing these silly songs at your Thanksgiving family reunion, that would qualify it as a family history link. So go ahead and make the stretch!

More pages to come!


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