Selected Families and Individuals


William Henry Clay Marshall

came to Kansas in 1885

Mary Elizabeth Jackson

came to Kansas in 1885

Iva Mae Kebert

Lived in Grand Junction, CO in 1941

Warren Dewey Kebert

Lived in rural Fredonia in 1941

Mary Eunice Kebert

Lived in rural Fredonia in 1941

George Albert Kebert

Not sure of death date
came to Wilson Co. KS from Marshall Co. IN/IL in Winter of 1868

BIRTH: may have been born in July 1831 in PRUSSIA

WorldFamilyTree: Database rpedersen

PROBATE: Probate filed Dec 1918, Book A, p. 554, Wilson Co. KS Court House

Daniel Kiebort

Original surname spelling is Keibert/Kiebort
came from Baden, Germany 1827/1828 with wife Mary

Julia Helen Kebert

Lived in Ponca City, OK in 1941

Sarah Jane Kebert

Lived in South Bend, WA in 1941

Cora Edna Kebert

Lived in South Bend, WA in 1941

Fred E. Kebert

Lived in Neodesha in 1941

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