Selected Families and Individuals


Colonel Thomas Randolph

2nd son of Wm. and Mary Randolph
Birth: June 1689 "Ancestral Records and Portraits", Vol. II, p. 751
Death: 1730 " " " " " " "
Occupation: 1720 to 1722 Burgess
Occupation: Justice of Henrico Co. VA

Captain John Marshall

served in cavalry under King Charles at the battle of Edge Hill
emigrated with his family about 1650 and settled at Jamestown Virginia, later
moved to Westmoreland Co. and was Captain of the Virginia troops in the Indian

William Pabodie Peabody

frequently one of the Court Deputies from Duxbury MA and sometimes appeared
before the same as an Attorney for individuals as well as for the town.

Elizabeth Alden

The first white girl born in the Colony
94 years old on gravestone

Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower

a Drafter and Signer of the Mayflower Compact
a Ruling Elder of the Church
Founder of Pilgrim Church at England 1608, and in 1609 he removed to Leydon HOL
First Chaplain of a Military Company formed 27 Feb 1621
Portrait hangs in Capitol Rotunda in Washington D.C. and it is a copy of the
same which is in the Peer's Corridor, House of Parliament, London, ENG, also in
the President's Room in the Capitol at Washington D.C.
The Brewster farm is now called Brewster's Park

Over the past two centuries, many people have--either deliberately or because of poor research--published accounts of Mayflower ancestry that are completely false. Here is a collection of the most commonly known false and faked Mayflower lines. This list is based on a series of articles appearing in the Mayflower Descendant, volume 20, 21, 23, 34 titled "False and Faked Mayflower Lines"; the Mayflower Descendant article in volume 43 entitled "A Mayflower Hoax Resurfaces"; published articles in the Mayflower Descendant, The American Genealogist, the New England Historic and Genealogical Register, Mayflower Families and Mayflower Families in Progress series of books, and my own experiences answering visitor questions.

The list is organized alphabetically by the surname involved. Source abbreviations are as follows: MD = Mayflower Descendant; MQ = Mayflower Quarterly, NEHGR = New England Historic and Genealogical Register; MF = Mayflower Families for Five Generations; MFIP = Mayflower Families in Progress, TAG = The American Genealogist, NYGBR = New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, and TG = The Genealogist
BREWSTER, William. William Brewster of the Mayflower had a wife named Mary. There is no evidence she is Mary Wentworth or Mary Wyrrall, both which have been claimed as his wife, and both of which have royal ancestry. His wife was not Mary Welles either--the William Brewster who married Mary Welles moved to Jamestown, Virginia and died there. [The Great Migration Begins 1:229; The Virginia Magazine, 75:407]

Wrestling Brewster

BREWSTER. Wrestling2 Brewster, son of Elder William Brewster, died a young man, unmarried. He did not settle at Piscataqua, N.H., and was not the father of John Brewster, of Portsmouth, N.H. [MD 23:75; MD 43:12; MFIP Brewster]

Colonel William Randolph

Born: abt 1651 Yorkshire?, ENG. "Ancestral Records and Portraits", Vol II p.750
!Born: abt 1651 Morton Morrell, Warwickshire, ENG "The Founders, Portraits of
!Persons Born Abroad Who Came to the Colonies in North America Before the Year
!1701", Vol. 1, p. 199. Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., 1976
Moved to Warwickshire, ENG "Ancestral Records..." Vol. II p. 750
Emigrated: abt 1674 to "Turkey Island", Henrico Co. VA
!Marriage: abt 1680 "The Founders..." Vol. 1, p. 199
member of the House of Burgesses in 1685-1699, 1703-1705, 1710, and speaker in
1698; attorney general in 1696; and named as a trustee in the charter of
William and Mary College

Treasurer William Randolph of Virginia

called Councilor Randolph

Adjutant General Isham Randolph

adjutant general of the Colony

John Randolph Knight

Sir John Randolph, King's attorney, Speaker of the House of Burgesses "The
Founders..." Vol 1 p. 199

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