You have found the genealogy site of Merr Chenoweth.  Please feel free to brouse through our leaves and let us know what you think! 

Below, you will find links to search through our surname list, or search by first name (records button), also, there is a link for other sites available for those searching for a little family history of their own!

If any of the information posted on this site is incorrect or incomplete and you have the correct information, email me, I'll be glad for the help!

If I have any sources that may be of value to you, let me know, I'm more than willing to share!
Read about the amazing adventures of James Birtcher, a family member whose ship was sunk by a German U-Boat, and he lived to tell about it!  Definitely a must-read!
To the Page!
All information compiled by:

Merr Chenoweth
312 David Lane
Rogersville, Mo 65742

Last update:  12/03/03

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