The Hunter

The creature was neither human nor animal. Rather, it was a twisted mutation of life, spawned from the Shadows of Earth. It fed on blood and fear, and tonight the smell of both filled the misty city streets.

A wooden sign creaked in the night air. The faded image of an upside down horseshoe with several coins spilling out had been branded onto the boards, but the creature neither noticed nor cared what the name of the inn was. It had only one purpose.

The creature sulked beneath the sign, into the shadows of the doorway. Pushing deeper into the darkness, it disappeared.

Inside, the creature emerged from the shadows.

The trail of fear he had been following for days smelled strongly here. It swirled through the air with the sweet stench of human sweat. The creature knew it was getting close.

Here shadows covered everything. The creature moved swiftly across the common room, up the stairs, and to a door drenched in the odor of his prey. Pushing against the darkness once more, the creature entered the room.

It was vacant. The creature quickly darted around the room. The smell of fear and hot blood covered every inch of it, but there was no body to hold them in. Then it sensed another smell. Fresh air was seeping in through an open window.

The hunt would continue.


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